Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Fin




The sand is golden, the water is pleasantly bubbly, and everybody who’s anybody in Southeast Kyngdom is here. We’re your proud Sea Anemone hosts, Actiniaria and Hexacorallia, reporting LIVE from the most exclusive event of the year: the Enchantment Above the Sea ball, South Kyndom’s first-ever dry land-themed underwater ball. If you see us milling around, come say hi and give us the dish on all the watery gossip! You’ll recognize us by our wavy pink tentacles (quick shout-out to our sponsor, the Subaqueous Salon and Sea Spa).

Of course, in about twenty minutes, we expect the next Guardian of Fin to be announced, and believe us, the room is simply awash with anticipation. You can’t swing an underwater lasso without bumping into a group of whispering shellfish. But first, let’s turn our attention to the incredibly glamorous attendees and give you unlucky landlubbers listening to our broadcast a little taste of the P-A-R-T-Y.

Land ho, this place is sparkling. Each twenty-foot-tall underwater cactus is decked out in glimmering lights. The sand on the floor has been carefully blended with real gold flakes, creating a shimmering carpet underfoot. The punch is flowing, and graceful seahorses are passing out dry land-themed appetizers: miniature sea cucumber tacos, tiny teacups of coral chili, and nacho towers topped off with smoked seashells. We’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the celebrity chef that the organizers swam in for the occasion—he’s a clownfish who trained off the coast of France. 

Most of the guests have adopted a look that we’d have to term “highbrow underwater cowboy.” We’re seeing a lot of denim gowns encrusted in barnacles and diamonds. Some of the wealthier guests are wearing silk bandanas and golden spurs. There’s even a cowboy hat or two—ooh, we’re seeing a scuffle unfold on the dance floor! There’s gold-tinted sand swirling through the water! Hold up one second, we’re getting the 411…apparently a Fangtooth Fish attempted to dance with a Vampire Squid, who turned out to be the date of a very muscular Frilled Shark. The sand just cleared, and neither Fish nor Shark is anywhere to be seen. Security here is no joke! 

Naturally, the Powers are here in full force. They’re flexing their powerful…do dragons have muscles? They have to, right? They’re looking fabulous in formalwear specially designed by none other than the untouchable CERES AND COMPANY (we’ll hold for applause). And these drama-prone Kyngdomites even seem to be getting along, at least for now. 

We’d be remiss not to mention the cornerstone of the décor: a giant ice sculpture in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by tantalizing desserts (salt-water granitas, anyone?). The sculpture is carved into the shape of a massive and very realistic rodeo scene, but instead of a cowgirl, the artist depicted a breathtakingly accurate version of our very own Finny—the heir apparent to the Guardian of Fin. The little dolphin is portrayed so accurately that she looks practically real. In fact, if you glance at the sculpture at just the right moment, you can almost see her eyes move. Magical! At the base of the ice sculpture is a keypad that requires a code, but it’s unclear what it’s meant for. Does anyone have any information? Come find us and spill the deets—we’re all tentacles. 

The dancing is being put on hold for a moment, because it’s time for one of the much-anticipated activities: some of the lucky guests are about to try their fins at roping sea cows. The massive creatures are being released from a series of gilded pens, while guests shriek and attempt to catch them with lassos made from kelp. This activity certainly fits the theme, but it’s looking like no one can manage to catch a sea cow. In fact, the cows appear to be taunting the guests. We can’t believe it—they’re lining up and dancing a can-can! Hold on, now they’re swimming over the heads of the guests and disappearing into the deep blue of the ocean. The organizers look irate. 

Having just slipped over to try a bit of the punch, your faithful correspondents are happy to report that the punch is especially tasty this year. Jeweled Rockskipper!

There’s something a bit different about it…a certain fizz…a tang on the back of the tongue. Perhaps the celebrity chef is trying out a new seaweed-infused simple syrup? In the interest of full gossipy disclosure, we’ve been hearing rumors that the punch is spiked—but we’d have to try another cup in order to report back for sure. 

Ooh, Imagine Sea Dragons is about to take the stage: their hair is gelled, their buttons are shelled, and they look ready to rock. Hope they play their hit single, Radioactive (Materials are Leaking Into the Ocean—Thanks a Lot, Humans). Looks like it’s time for these anemones to get their groove on—come find us at the dance floor and tells us what’s really going on at this party. The wilder the rumor, the more we want to hear it! Actiniaria and Hexacorallia out.

submitted by A & H, Desert Dome
(July 21, 2016 - 4:10 pm)

Oh my Kyngdom where are you now. You need to hide, or at the very least be extremely careful.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(September 23, 2016 - 10:44 am)

I can only see four replies, none of which are mine, and I know I posted... oh well, I guess I'll check back later.

Mexi, my CAPTCHA pet, says mzeh. I think that's an agreement.

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 22, 2016 - 7:04 pm)

just did.

submitted by Ryan L., age 8, California
(December 17, 2016 - 11:09 pm)

Why is there a keypad that requires a code under the statue? Maybe it's the power, or Finny herself trapped inside. In the Cricket issues, the box creature (the creature who seems to be friends with Finny, or all knowing a future telling thing inside the box depicted on the kyngdom archives button) left another code saying "SAVE FINNY 18265" That must be the code! Imma gonna open it............

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(July 22, 2016 - 7:24 pm)

open it! open it!

submitted by Willow, eastern Kyngdom
(October 27, 2016 - 10:25 pm)

the music was magnifacent, the food was great, but I codent find Ren. I drifded over to a giant Ice statue. the water had melted most if the giant fishes fins and skales, leving it a fish shabed blob in a ora of cold. a sckrufy looking boy drifted over to me he had fox like eyes. big and round with tiny lined puples. "hey girrl, wana drink?" I frowned, then I pushed of of the stone flore in a difrent direction. "get a life" I mumbled and I sprang away I was not in a good mood, I dont know why, but I wasent.

submitted by Pheonix C., age 10, hear
(July 22, 2016 - 11:50 pm)

So sorry guys, this is the longest post ever, if you really get board you can skip over the descriptions, but don't blame me when you don't know what my clothes look like!!! ;)


The party was great. Claaws wished they had this sort of thing back in ancient times, a party all for the Powers. Well, this one wasn't really for Ayearth, but for his guard of his prison. But still, at the beach, where they were handing put pills, someone caught me in my dragon form and summoned me to the sea. Alternately Eico decided to show up too, he cares more about Ayeath then Claaws and Cealani combined then multiplied a thousand times. And he's not that fond of Ayearth. 

The costumes, though, were extremely uncomfortable. The sea creatures, dragging us into the sea, insisted on wearing them. They said it would make us look fabulous and powerful. Well, no Power could turn down more power, so they excepted.

Claaws was wearing a white lace....something. You could call it armour, very...very weak covered her all the way from the base of her neck, to her ankles, to completely covering her wings and tail. The base of it, one long strand of lace, stretched from her neck to her shoulders to the base of her wings and the base of her tail. From there her legs wings and tail were wrapped in a golden lace, the ends dangling loosely at each end. The golden lace faded slowly to a light red, then a deeper blood red. That's the only part she likes about it. The red at her talons looked like blood from an enemy she just slayed. 

Then there was the jewellery. At each of her wrists was a clasp. A golden clasp studded with sparking rubys and diamonds. A delicate golden chain hung off the bottom of each, wrapping around her talons, then ending in a circle around the tip of her middle claw. It was delicate and gorgeous, but made for royalty, not a dragon. She just couldn't wait to rip it all off. 

Oh, and the necklace. It was made of silver, a delicate chain that wrapped around her neck three times. In the middle of the theird wrap hung a large white pearl, and along the chain around the pearl were four small diamonds. 

And her wings and tail, the Ceres and Company did not disinclude those 'spectacular part of the dragon that makes them so unique.' So around the base of her wing was a silver clasp. And connected to the silver clasp were five silver chains that wound up her wing in the most weird designes. Every so often there would be a pearl, or a dimond, or a ruby that would hang off it. It ended in another silver clasp at the top of her wing studded with diamonds. Now her tail is the weirdest part. They put one-two-three-four-five-six... six silver clasps with designs of dragon wings and scales carved into them, starting at the base of her tail stretching to the tip. The clasps were connected by five silver chains. It was very heavy to lift up and down or swish it or do anything with it. And it was itchy. And the water just....made it even more uncomfortable. 

Oh, and poor Cealani. They put a robe on him made of white and Gray seaweed, designed to look like his feathers. But at the tip of each was a metallic claw looking thing that curved back. This metallic looking this was studded with diamonds and pearls. The robe ended at his lion section and right as his feathers gave way to talons. Oh, the jewellery on his talons! Connected to the end of the robe was five chains, one at each "corner" of the sleeve. Half way down was another golden clasp, wear the chains connected to. At his ankle was a theird clasp to end the chains. But they made sure to decorate his talons with three golden rings on each claw. Oh, and did I mention the chains were studded with diamonds? Poor Cealani looked like the sunrise. 

And his lion part, where do I begin? They wrapped it in a golden chain, for starters, studded the golden chain with lots and lots of diamonds, and then they added pure gold spikes around the start of his lion half, the robe just bearly overlapping them. The chain wrapped all the way to the tuff at the tip of his tail to his ankles. Around his ankle is a loose golden braclet. And they made him release his claws so they could put small dimond rings on each claw. His paws arnt nearly as decorated as his talons. And his tail is pretty bare, well conspired to mine. They put one golden braclet studded with diamonds at the base of his tail. They put it loosely on, but tight enough that it didn't slide over the brown tuff of fur. Oh, and I forget to describe his necklace. It was a silver chain, and to match the robe they put white and Gray seaweed around the chain. But only three, one white and two Gray. Then they put golden metallic claws at the end of them that curled toward. At the tip of each was a dimond. Ha! And his wings! Omk they went all out on him. At the tip of each feather they put a small silver clasp. Well only the feathers at the tip of his wing and the ones lining the bottom. They connected each with a silver chain. And gaming off the feathers on the bottom of the wing were opals, white, Gray, and black. Secretly, I think Cealani was enjoying looking pretty.

That sounds pretty bad, right? Your probably wondering what Eico's looks like. Well he got off easy compared to us. Being a snake he doesn't have that many body parts, leaving less space for clothes, leading to board designers. 

They put a large silver chain around his head, and put diamonds at the end of a few chains hanging into his face. They then wrapped him in coral chain, which mustive taken forever to carve out. He was wrapped all the way to his ankles to the tip of his tail. Half way through they started adding diamonds. In the middle it was only one or two, and they grew more and more in numbers untill a foot of his tail was completely covered in diamonds. I could tell the diamonds were making him uncomfortable, but I could really care less. Oh, and they put like, fifty golden brackets around each of his talons, and like a million silver rings on each of his talons. He makes a loud 'clunk' every time he touches the sandy floor. Oh, and I forget to mention the huge golden clasps they put all over him. They start right after his shoulders, not including the one at the base of his neck, and go all the way to his tail. The last clasp is connected to the coral chain, ending his weird armour. All together there is like only 15 clasps. He's the one who got off easy.

Right now the ball was going just....swimmingly, animals of all kinds were dancing and talking, drinking punch and eating weird looking appetizers. The three Powers felt....uncomfortable....water was Ayearth's thing, not theirs.

Claaws smiled. Ayearth would love this party. Oh, and these fancy clothes. He loves this sort of stuff. 

Claaws glanced back at Eico, who was...flexing his muscles. 

He drank too much punch. Claaws was sure of that.

Cealani though was in the mood too. Talking to some deaply awwed whales, who were not surprised by the fact he was a Power, but by the fact that he was almost a dolphin bigger then them. 

Claaws was left in the middle of the ball. she had just gotten done talking to a very spiky dragon, who had been very proud of the fact that he was running for guardian. And before that she had, talked-well more like listened, to a very chatty walruses. To be honest, below her erdge to eat it she thought that it was adorable. And from all its talking she found out that the animals don't hate the Powers, they still respect them. They were just protecting them, as the walrus said, from some unknown danger that was forgotten in time. 

They were trying to protect us from the humans. From Catastrophe. From the Brazen Goo. 

Claaws thought that was touching, and adorable at the same time. Maybe they were protecting some Powers, but imprisoning others. Like her and Cealani. Their guardians had thought it safer to keep them inactivated then reactived so they wouldn't cause trouble. 

Claaws rolled her eyes. Eico or Lunee or Sylvia probably talked to those guardians in some weird other dimension and told them not to activate me or Cealani because it's dangerous. Well me and Cealani are no less dangerous then the others.

She perked her ears as she listened to the announcers' voices bounce off the walls of the ball. They talked and talked and talked. Claaws started to tune them out, when she heard the part about the Powers. First they stated the fact that Eico was flexing his muscles. Like seriously. That is not an Eico thing to do. Then they acknowledged their clothes. And the sea creature who made them. Claaws secretly made a face of descust. 

Claaws suddenly realized that she was standing by the big ice dolphin in the middle of the dance. Around it were deserts for sea creature and landlubbers alike. Suddenly Claaws felt a chill run down her spine. As the band started to play, she slowly flouted over to the ice statue. She flapped her wings slowly to propel her towards. Then, as she got nearer, the eyes moved. One simple click, and they were staring right at her.

submitted by Claaws
(July 23, 2016 - 1:12 am)

Scylla, what is Xiǎolóng supposed to tell Blazing?

submitted by LucyXiǎolóng
(July 23, 2016 - 6:45 am)

I guess not anything, because he just moves on after identifying her. Maybe they'll become friends when he becomes Power of Fin's guardian. 

By the way, her name is Blazing Star. Not Blazing.

submitted by Scylla
(July 23, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

Finny is trapped as a statue! Save her! For real!



Wow, such a lively ball! It's great! I'm here on watch; I know I wasn't exactly assigned by Capense to this task, but I'm a spy, and after what happened in the labrynth tunnels, I feel inclined to keep an eye on everything. It's my job to inspect everything.

First I taste the punch. It tastes a little funny...With a tang on the back of the tongue. Could it be poisoned??? I'm going to have to keep an eye on that. I hope the celebrity chef isn' know, on the bad guys' side.

Next up is the sand. Any traps? Not that I can tell. But there's gold in it! Cool!

I paddle on over to the Finny statue. There's something seriously WRONG with it. I'll look at it closer later.

I think I should inspect the Powers, buuuuuuut...They sure are huge...And fierce...And Dragon is glaring at me! I think I'll skip the Powers.

My legs are hurting. I'm not used to swimming. Maybe I'll take a break.

I settle down by a potted seaweed and eat a scallop cookie. Wait, a scallop cookie??? EWWW. 

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws, (Thimble)
(July 23, 2016 - 7:53 am)

I slip over to a sea berry stand and try out some of the berries on. The neon blue berries are ripe, so I start with them first. The guy next to me falls. Hm.. he must have had the punch.

What are you doing?!

Watching over Finny. I caught his name When some one was talking.


It's 5 minutes until the ancoment of the new guardine is chosen.  I'm really hoping they don't chose me because I don't want to have another item to guard. One treasure is a lot already. Heh. These mortals have nothing against the wishing star, I think.  I can't uhh... swim dance? Anyways I go bck to eating berries while keeping a eye on poor Finny here.

submitted by Laya Diamondtail, age 12, The Desert Dome
(July 23, 2016 - 8:12 am)

~Icicle 'Icy' Soul

I push through the crowd, trying to make it to the Intercom so I can hopefully bribe Actiniaria and Hexacorallia into closing the ball. I toss a firework into the crowd-darn, it was a dud... I feel bad about stealing these fireworks, but hey, I'm a 11-year-old and I look about 9 or 7--I can get away with it with THESE bambi eyes.

I toss an underwater firework into the crowd and it goes off beautifully. I smile. But...some guests are "oohing" and "aahing". Darn, it didn't hit anyone. HEY THERE'S CLAAWS! I scramble towards him.

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 23, 2016 - 11:16 am)

I look around me. Everything is wet, and beautiful. I brought Rain, since I had no time to invite anyone else. I'm dressed in my own fur, not needing anything fancy. Rain has a crown of roses adorning her small head, but nothing else spectacular. She does have a single sappire on a chain hanging from her neck. That was her mothers necklace, or so Rain told me. I'm embarrassed to be the only guardian there without my power, but, I remind myself. I don't have it yet, they just wait and see. I'll get it as soon as possible. I walk over to the punch bowl, and take a few laps. (Out if my own cup, of course.) hmm, interesting flavor. It has a strange, almost poisoned taste, though. Not my thing. I drift over to Laya Diamondtail. "Hey! What's up?" I know her from the Rebel Army. Or at least, I used to. She doesn't seem to remember me, though. "Um, do I know you?" She asks. "It's me! Moonshadow! From the Rebel Army?" 

"Oh! I thought you left a long time ago!" She replies. "No! I was just absent, that's all." I had been looking fir the Power of Howl for much too long now. In just a few minutes, the new guardian if the Power of Fin would be selected! I can't wait to see who it is!


(sorry if I controlled anyone too much!) 

submitted by Moonshadow
(July 23, 2016 - 11:31 am)

I walk over to Thimble. "So, see anything suspicious? Other than the punch, of course." I cluck  

"Not much so far, but I'm keeping an eye on the powers and that statue of Finny." She says.  My dress is light blue, with white lace trim, and pearls lining the neckline.  It's a loose fit, the skirt trailing behind. My sister Zalia, my mother and father, and my two best friends all pitched in to buy it for me. They got it from Stich Chic a nearby chicken seamstress shop. It was the last Hen Fit ballgown they had in stock. I also wear the locjet Icy gave me, as I always do, but it accents the dress very well. I can't wait to see who the next guardian is! And I wonder if that celebrity chef is trustworthy...


(sorry if I controlled you, Thimble! And sorry this is so short!) 

submitted by Scarlet
(July 23, 2016 - 11:37 am)

Phew. What a ball. All manner of sea and land creatures, and Claaws, Caelani, and Ecio. Then, I notice Icy looking frustrated. I swim over to her.

"What's the matter?" I ask her.

"Catastrophe's going to steal the Power of Fin."


"Search me.."

"I'll help you."


"One minute," I say to her. "We might want Claaws to come with us."

I rush over to Claaws, explain everything in the space of five seconds, and a minute later, we've congregated in a dark corner where we could get some privicy.

"We need to do this quickly," Claaws says. "I want to know who's going to protect my brother."

"We've got five minutes," Icy says. "We'll search, and then you can watch from backstage."

"Let's go," I say.

So we do. No one notices the dissappearance of a boy wearing a shabby tuxedo, a girl in a pretty dress, and a dragon in the strangest clothes I've ever seen.

(Sorry if I controlled you too much, Icy and Claaws!)   

submitted by Ronan
(July 23, 2016 - 1:25 pm)