Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Fin




The sand is golden, the water is pleasantly bubbly, and everybody who’s anybody in Southeast Kyngdom is here. We’re your proud Sea Anemone hosts, Actiniaria and Hexacorallia, reporting LIVE from the most exclusive event of the year: the Enchantment Above the Sea ball, South Kyndom’s first-ever dry land-themed underwater ball. If you see us milling around, come say hi and give us the dish on all the watery gossip! You’ll recognize us by our wavy pink tentacles (quick shout-out to our sponsor, the Subaqueous Salon and Sea Spa).

Of course, in about twenty minutes, we expect the next Guardian of Fin to be announced, and believe us, the room is simply awash with anticipation. You can’t swing an underwater lasso without bumping into a group of whispering shellfish. But first, let’s turn our attention to the incredibly glamorous attendees and give you unlucky landlubbers listening to our broadcast a little taste of the P-A-R-T-Y.

Land ho, this place is sparkling. Each twenty-foot-tall underwater cactus is decked out in glimmering lights. The sand on the floor has been carefully blended with real gold flakes, creating a shimmering carpet underfoot. The punch is flowing, and graceful seahorses are passing out dry land-themed appetizers: miniature sea cucumber tacos, tiny teacups of coral chili, and nacho towers topped off with smoked seashells. We’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the celebrity chef that the organizers swam in for the occasion—he’s a clownfish who trained off the coast of France. 

Most of the guests have adopted a look that we’d have to term “highbrow underwater cowboy.” We’re seeing a lot of denim gowns encrusted in barnacles and diamonds. Some of the wealthier guests are wearing silk bandanas and golden spurs. There’s even a cowboy hat or two—ooh, we’re seeing a scuffle unfold on the dance floor! There’s gold-tinted sand swirling through the water! Hold up one second, we’re getting the 411…apparently a Fangtooth Fish attempted to dance with a Vampire Squid, who turned out to be the date of a very muscular Frilled Shark. The sand just cleared, and neither Fish nor Shark is anywhere to be seen. Security here is no joke! 

Naturally, the Powers are here in full force. They’re flexing their powerful…do dragons have muscles? They have to, right? They’re looking fabulous in formalwear specially designed by none other than the untouchable CERES AND COMPANY (we’ll hold for applause). And these drama-prone Kyngdomites even seem to be getting along, at least for now. 

We’d be remiss not to mention the cornerstone of the décor: a giant ice sculpture in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by tantalizing desserts (salt-water granitas, anyone?). The sculpture is carved into the shape of a massive and very realistic rodeo scene, but instead of a cowgirl, the artist depicted a breathtakingly accurate version of our very own Finny—the heir apparent to the Guardian of Fin. The little dolphin is portrayed so accurately that she looks practically real. In fact, if you glance at the sculpture at just the right moment, you can almost see her eyes move. Magical! At the base of the ice sculpture is a keypad that requires a code, but it’s unclear what it’s meant for. Does anyone have any information? Come find us and spill the deets—we’re all tentacles. 

The dancing is being put on hold for a moment, because it’s time for one of the much-anticipated activities: some of the lucky guests are about to try their fins at roping sea cows. The massive creatures are being released from a series of gilded pens, while guests shriek and attempt to catch them with lassos made from kelp. This activity certainly fits the theme, but it’s looking like no one can manage to catch a sea cow. In fact, the cows appear to be taunting the guests. We can’t believe it—they’re lining up and dancing a can-can! Hold on, now they’re swimming over the heads of the guests and disappearing into the deep blue of the ocean. The organizers look irate. 

Having just slipped over to try a bit of the punch, your faithful correspondents are happy to report that the punch is especially tasty this year. Jeweled Rockskipper!

There’s something a bit different about it…a certain fizz…a tang on the back of the tongue. Perhaps the celebrity chef is trying out a new seaweed-infused simple syrup? In the interest of full gossipy disclosure, we’ve been hearing rumors that the punch is spiked—but we’d have to try another cup in order to report back for sure. 

Ooh, Imagine Sea Dragons is about to take the stage: their hair is gelled, their buttons are shelled, and they look ready to rock. Hope they play their hit single, Radioactive (Materials are Leaking Into the Ocean—Thanks a Lot, Humans). Looks like it’s time for these anemones to get their groove on—come find us at the dance floor and tells us what’s really going on at this party. The wilder the rumor, the more we want to hear it! Actiniaria and Hexacorallia out.

submitted by A & H, Desert Dome
(July 21, 2016 - 4:10 pm)

Recap above! It's just a general summary of events, so I don't know if this helps or not...

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(July 30, 2016 - 7:55 pm)

I am pulled out of my daze by Elliot walking over to me. I glare at him, but he makes it look like it doesn'the faze him. The little punk.

"So, if you want me to heal you with dark magic I can..." he says.

"Never in a million years," I say. "It would probably turn me into a vampire." 

submitted by Sprocket, age 14, On an Airship
(July 30, 2016 - 4:05 pm)

I shove Elliot out of the way. The footsteps of medics echo in the hallway. Maybe they can help Sprocket.

submitted by Poe Allen
(July 30, 2016 - 11:18 pm)

The birds that left the raft had not returned yet, and the tension was killing me! We didn't know whether or not they found land, and couldn't find us, are still restlessly searching, or even if I hate to admit it, died of starvation over the water. I shudder, I would have gone with them, but i'm stuck! Then I thought of how far I had to fall for my freedom. Then a surge of rage came over me. If it wasn't for them, I probably wouldn't be in this situation! We had been out at water for about a week, I wasn't sure. And my crewmates were starting to fade. As in, they were starting to get thirsty faster, and the bizarre feast that was held at the party, was starting to slip off their ribs. And there eyes, were starting to turn the same color as the rest of their surroundings, even Phoenix's eyes were a darker shade of green. Faded indeed. I sat on the bird's nest, such a soothing name. A single animal that was not from the wreck, I wood welcome as a sign of land. And yet, for the past couple days, the only unfamiliar faces, were those of the fish, heads, from the small meal from the night before. I would kill to have something that wasn't fish or seaweed for once…

submitted by Vivean, age 11, Lost... AGAIN!!!
(July 30, 2016 - 6:35 pm)

Okay.  Quick Recap~  So the statue actully had finny inside,  And I freed Finny.  Catatrophe than comes along, steals the power of fin (Which was on finny) and than the Dome blows up. the quickest Recap ever!

submitted by Laya Diamondtail, age 12, Fang grotto
(July 30, 2016 - 7:34 pm)
submitted by 100!
(July 30, 2016 - 9:23 pm)

Sorry I haven't been able to write all day. But I did read a bunch of stuff, so here is a summer-upper. You guys mostly explained it but I like to put in the details.

So first off, I had to wear stupid designer clothes which ended up almost being the death of me. Then we all realized, one by one that the punch was spiked.....But a few weren't quick enough and got the worst. Luckily I didn't drink it because it was spiked with BRAZEN GOO!!!! ----dramatic pause---- then Laya freeded Funny by tapping in the code with a bone. (Icicalwhisper was mad that all the deserts fell off XD) and she had a fake power around her neck. She talked a bit before it all erupted in chaos. Catastrophe, Jaaws, and a few burly sharks came busting in, and somehow activated the designer clothes to trap the three Powers. Cealani, who had the worst with the punch, went completely nutzo and after ripping his clothes off (eek that sounded weird) he charged for the closest creature with an claw length, which was the one and only Blazing Star!!!! (Sorry that sounded like a famous singer name so I had to make it dramatic) she could kick pretty well she Cealani was left with a big bruse on his face! Oh, and two hoove marks where she kicked him. Oh I just burned him so bad! 

.......excuse me. I'm just very excited because I'm getting ready for dance on Monday!!! Yay!!! (But I have to get even MORE braces, so wish me luck!!) 

Any way, she is the guardian of Sylvia, so she quickly ran away. Then Icy shot off a firework at one of the lights and it made the hole building start to collapse. Catastrophe Jaaws and their body guards slipped through a side door and me and Windswift followed. We stole the Power and swam away as fast as we could. Some of the others helped haul the sick creatures out of the dome while others escaped. We found Cealani, who was sorrta recovered and Icy who was carrying a badly hurt Ronan, and soon after Windswift spotted a raft like boat thing and we all went on. We've been collecting land animals and I'm pretty sure we are way past the craft's capacity. But we are still rescuing more Kyndomers! Lately Eico and a giant eel found us, and the gaint eel volunteered to help find more stranded animals. Some of the birds and Cealani flew off to try and find a fresh stream of water or land. Or both! Also the power was filled with BRAZEN GOO, and Eico had to transform into a badger to get on. Then Ronan mad a pot for boiling water, and everyone drank to their fill. The birds haven't retured yet, and most animals are getting antsy and anxious.

......But we never knew if Jaaws has the real Power or not..... 

submitted by Claaws
(July 30, 2016 - 11:58 pm)

My fur prickled. I wanted the fish, but not what they were swimming in I growled and slashed at the water. I have had enough! When were the birds going to come back! And even if they did come back, how were ge going to get back? I smirked. Maby if we got some sea weed, we could tie it to the dragons and… I smiled. I know it's stupid, but still… that's one way to get home.

submitted by Pheonix C., age 10, On open waves
(July 31, 2016 - 2:44 pm)

Thanks so much Claaws! Btw, is the Megatherium dead? And where is Haides?

Jaaws~(Please tell me if I do something wrong here!)

The Power of Fin tucked away in my claws, I fly over the wreckage. I'm feeling particularly happy, for not only did I steal the Power, but did I steal Catastrophe.

"Catastrophe," I mutter. "Stop banging my hands. If I dropped you here, you'd land on Claaws, not to mention it would hurt."

Sure enough, Claaws is on a raft helping land animals from the ball's wreckage. She glances up and throws a withering glare at me. I just grin, not that she can see my facial expressions when I'm way up here.

"Anyway," I continue, a dangerous hint of furious anger creeping into my voice. "Can you tell me what this--" I indicate a vial of glowing liquid hanging around my neck--"is?"

Catastrophe looks from the Brazen Goo to my face, and then back to the goo. "It looks like Brazen Goo."

"Indeed, it is. You have failed to do the one thing you promised to do. Now, it is too late. Someone...else...has gotten it for me, when you kept procrastinating." I use the time he takes to answer to hang the Power of Fin up on my necklace, leaving myself a free hand.

Catastrophe glares at me. "I was working on it. We both know how much harder it's become to do evil around here. Kyngdom is full of...good people."

"Now, now," I 'soothe' him. "There's no need to make excuses. After all, you are only a thirteen year old boy who killed a killer owl named Whist and became king of Kyngdom. I don't expect you to do something as simple as find a little vial of poison that will kill Claaws. No, no. That's too hard. Can you sense my sarcasm, Catastrophe? I am disappointed in you. I think it's time we got level. I'm not your secret weapon. I've been manipulating you the whole time. The only reasons I appeared where you wanted me to was because it happened that our needs collided. But I'm tired of calling you master. It drains my patience. It makes me want to BITE off your HEAD, Catastrophe. But I WON'T bite it off. I have something much more terrible in store for you. You are MY servant now, and you need to be humbled..."

I grin. Catastrophe will have to become a good guy to defeat me after this. He'll have to be a match maker, urging the Powers to become friends again. The only problem is, darkness is a part of his character now. It's inside him, growing all by itself. He'll want revenge on me, but oh, he won't ever have it, because to defeat evil, you have to be good.

Catastrophe seems to know what I'm about to do. He smiles in spite of himself, however, thinking of the almost empty vial of Brazen Goo hidden in his robe's pocket.

"I'll take that," I hiss, and rip it out of his robe. "And that," I spit, taking his memory rock out of the other. "You can have these back once you see who's the real monarch of evil."

Then, just as I fly perfectly over Claaws, I drop Catastrophe. He shouts in surprise as he plummets down, down, down, and smacks right onto Claaws's wings. 

Well, that was sort of a plot-advancing post...Tell me what you thought. I can change it if you want. 


I'm huddled up on the life raft, next to some foxes. My fur is sopping wet, my eyes are burning from the salt water, and Finny is nowhere to be seen.

"Scarlet," I cough. "Did you see which way Jaaws went with the Power of Fin?"

Scarlet shakes her head 'no'.

Dragon suddenly glares up at the sky. (I'm not sure if Claaws is a dragon or a panther...I'm assuming dragon?) I glance up to see what she's looking at, but even with my enhanced vision, I can't see a thing up there other than dark clouds. "Jaaws..." she hisses.

Suddenly the raft wobbles. "Hold on!" shouts one of the foxes who I'm next to. "It's an unconcsious raccoon!" They and two others lean over the side and we all make room for the sopping wet raccoon. I sigh, knowing how unhelpful a mouse is in a task that includes hauling waterlogged animals around. My job is to watch for enemies. Like any enemies will be out in this weather. But you never know.

I watch the raccoon out of the corner of my eye and climb up onto one of the foxes' heads, scanning the churning waves. I hear a cough from behind me and I know that the raccoon is alive.

Dragon wobbles, as if she had wanted to fly up but decided not to. We all clench our jaws, knowing that we could be tossed off at any minute by the catapulting raft. Finally, it seems as if she can't take it.

"Jaaws must've lost Windswift," she mutters. "I'm going to go up there and steal the Power of Fin back."

But before she can even find a way off the raft without catapulting the rest of us off, we hear a whistling noise that gets louder and louder.

"IT'S A PERSON!" someone shrieks. But some of us know that it's more than a person. Dragon confirms it when she shouts. "CATASTROPHE???"

An enormous splat follows, and the raft shakes dangerously. Dragon doesn't look happy. 

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws, (Jaaws)
(August 1, 2016 - 8:35 am)

Where is HA工Dεડ ? Do you mean where is my character, or where am I?

submitted by ????????????????????
(August 1, 2016 - 2:56 pm)

Yeah, your character.

submitted by Thimble/Jaaws
(August 3, 2016 - 10:25 am)

First off,  I'd like to clear up my power.  I can summon bones and use them like spears. And I can summon a Dragonskullblaster~ a dragon skull that can fire beams of energy.  I can contral where the Soul is going. Sorry if I sounded mean,  I just can't stand when everyone thinks I hold the bone.  Anyways RP time!  

I'm bored.  After visting fang grroto,  I have nothing left to do. So I think to myself. What can I do? Then I realize that there are still animals who need to be recused!  Knowing that most of the animals are on this tiny raft,  I summon 60 Long, durable, Bones~ Perfect for building rafts.  I walk to the sea shore and fire them in the derection of the ball.  Hopefully they'll reach the surviers of the ball. Then I walk off.

submitted by Laya Diamondtail, age 12, Dagger Bay
(August 1, 2016 - 3:40 pm)


submitted by ?, age ?, ?
(August 2, 2016 - 9:55 am)

I hear footsteps and see medics coming towards me. Yes finally. I felt like I was going to pass out again.

They take me to a room and sit me down. One starts to wash the cut on my forehead. It hurts really bad. They bandage it and then take me to a room with a bed. I realized how tired I was, and lay down on the bed and went to sleep.

submitted by Sprocket , age 14, On an Airship
(August 1, 2016 - 6:09 pm)


submitted by zirath, age 9803, uranus
(August 2, 2016 - 9:54 am)