Kyngdom Survival Guide


Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Power of Fin




The sand is golden, the water is pleasantly bubbly, and everybody who’s anybody in Southeast Kyngdom is here. We’re your proud Sea Anemone hosts, Actiniaria and Hexacorallia, reporting LIVE from the most exclusive event of the year: the Enchantment Above the Sea ball, South Kyndom’s first-ever dry land-themed underwater ball. If you see us milling around, come say hi and give us the dish on all the watery gossip! You’ll recognize us by our wavy pink tentacles (quick shout-out to our sponsor, the Subaqueous Salon and Sea Spa).

Of course, in about twenty minutes, we expect the next Guardian of Fin to be announced, and believe us, the room is simply awash with anticipation. You can’t swing an underwater lasso without bumping into a group of whispering shellfish. But first, let’s turn our attention to the incredibly glamorous attendees and give you unlucky landlubbers listening to our broadcast a little taste of the P-A-R-T-Y.

Land ho, this place is sparkling. Each twenty-foot-tall underwater cactus is decked out in glimmering lights. The sand on the floor has been carefully blended with real gold flakes, creating a shimmering carpet underfoot. The punch is flowing, and graceful seahorses are passing out dry land-themed appetizers: miniature sea cucumber tacos, tiny teacups of coral chili, and nacho towers topped off with smoked seashells. We’re hoping to catch a glimpse of the celebrity chef that the organizers swam in for the occasion—he’s a clownfish who trained off the coast of France. 

Most of the guests have adopted a look that we’d have to term “highbrow underwater cowboy.” We’re seeing a lot of denim gowns encrusted in barnacles and diamonds. Some of the wealthier guests are wearing silk bandanas and golden spurs. There’s even a cowboy hat or two—ooh, we’re seeing a scuffle unfold on the dance floor! There’s gold-tinted sand swirling through the water! Hold up one second, we’re getting the 411…apparently a Fangtooth Fish attempted to dance with a Vampire Squid, who turned out to be the date of a very muscular Frilled Shark. The sand just cleared, and neither Fish nor Shark is anywhere to be seen. Security here is no joke! 

Naturally, the Powers are here in full force. They’re flexing their powerful…do dragons have muscles? They have to, right? They’re looking fabulous in formalwear specially designed by none other than the untouchable CERES AND COMPANY (we’ll hold for applause). And these drama-prone Kyngdomites even seem to be getting along, at least for now. 

We’d be remiss not to mention the cornerstone of the décor: a giant ice sculpture in the middle of the dance floor, surrounded by tantalizing desserts (salt-water granitas, anyone?). The sculpture is carved into the shape of a massive and very realistic rodeo scene, but instead of a cowgirl, the artist depicted a breathtakingly accurate version of our very own Finny—the heir apparent to the Guardian of Fin. The little dolphin is portrayed so accurately that she looks practically real. In fact, if you glance at the sculpture at just the right moment, you can almost see her eyes move. Magical! At the base of the ice sculpture is a keypad that requires a code, but it’s unclear what it’s meant for. Does anyone have any information? Come find us and spill the deets—we’re all tentacles. 

The dancing is being put on hold for a moment, because it’s time for one of the much-anticipated activities: some of the lucky guests are about to try their fins at roping sea cows. The massive creatures are being released from a series of gilded pens, while guests shriek and attempt to catch them with lassos made from kelp. This activity certainly fits the theme, but it’s looking like no one can manage to catch a sea cow. In fact, the cows appear to be taunting the guests. We can’t believe it—they’re lining up and dancing a can-can! Hold on, now they’re swimming over the heads of the guests and disappearing into the deep blue of the ocean. The organizers look irate. 

Having just slipped over to try a bit of the punch, your faithful correspondents are happy to report that the punch is especially tasty this year. Jeweled Rockskipper!

There’s something a bit different about it…a certain fizz…a tang on the back of the tongue. Perhaps the celebrity chef is trying out a new seaweed-infused simple syrup? In the interest of full gossipy disclosure, we’ve been hearing rumors that the punch is spiked—but we’d have to try another cup in order to report back for sure. 

Ooh, Imagine Sea Dragons is about to take the stage: their hair is gelled, their buttons are shelled, and they look ready to rock. Hope they play their hit single, Radioactive (Materials are Leaking Into the Ocean—Thanks a Lot, Humans). Looks like it’s time for these anemones to get their groove on—come find us at the dance floor and tells us what’s really going on at this party. The wilder the rumor, the more we want to hear it! Actiniaria and Hexacorallia out.

submitted by A & H, Desert Dome
(July 21, 2016 - 4:10 pm)

I came back alive and walked into the ball. Where was Pheonix? Oh wait, by the statue. And a boy just tried to seduce her. Epic. Fail. I swim up to her moving faster than light. I reach her. "Hey Pheonix." "Gah!" "Oh sorry" "It's okay, do you want to go dance, or what" "I don't know how to dance." I admit. It was going to be very interesting.

submitted by Ren F, age 11, The Dome
(July 23, 2016 - 12:37 pm)

Hey by the way Ronan, you're my step great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandad. Lol. 


"So, how long to make a plan?" I ask, concerned. "Five minutes." I gulp. "Umn, after we do this and hopefully don't get killed, I think the Power Of Hoof guardian is here." Two pairs of eyes turn at me. "I mean.." I stammer. "I mean I might steal I mean..." Claaws sighs.

"Whatever, let's just do this," I say.

~~I hope nobody was controlled! 

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 23, 2016 - 2:26 pm)

At the words "Power of Hoof," my ears prick up. I suddenly feel uneasy about having it with me, around so many people and animals... And then, from the same area, I catch the words "steal Power..." and I know I need to get out of here. What if they want to steal the Power of Hoof? I rear in panic, churning my front hooves. They flash in the water, startling a couple of guests. My mane ripples slowly, sunlight reflecting off of it, and the suspicious pair turns in my direction. I immediately realize what I've done. They know who I am! They're going to STEAL THE POWER OF HOOF!! I leap down to the ground and gallop for the door.


Admins, maybe there could be a live chat for the Fin guardian selection?  

submitted by Blazing Star , Scylla is Watching
(July 23, 2016 - 4:25 pm)

I stare at Eico, now very concerned as he flexed his right arm, then left, then right, then left, then right....

"The Power of Hoof's gardain is here." 

I turn to stare at Icy.

So there is two Power gardains here. Huh. Ironic. 

Another chill inches down my spine and i glance back at the statue. Its eyes were glancing around now. Multiple animals had gathered around it, eather secretly examining it or clearly examining it. Aparently they too know something is up.

Icy contuined to stamper infront of me, but i just egnored it. "What is the plan again? If Catastrophe is going to be here, shouldn't we get them two over there?" 

I jestured with my snout to Cealani who had wondered to the deserts and Eico who, may i remind you, was still flexing. 

Icy looked unsure, while the boy's expretion was hard to read. Just like...just like his father.

A memory clicked into place. A blond boy. Laughing. And laughing. And laughing. A death strike. Blood, everywhere blood. I second boy, small and scared, holding onto his father as he was killed. Then all was black. Black as death.

"How can we trust you?" Claaws growled turning to the boy. "How do we know your not working with CATASTROPHE?" opps. Said that a bit too loud.

A few near by heads turned to us before going back to their conversations. "Wh-what do you mean?" he stampered.

"Oh like you don't know." 

The boy glanced down in confusion, escaping Dragon's glare.  

"Where even is the Power of Fin?" Icy said in a small voice.

Claaws tore her glare away from the boy. She glanced around the ball before finally resting her gaze on the iced dolphin. "The dolphin." she whispered. "It's on the dolphin."


And actually hes ur greatgreatgteatgteatgreat uncle. ;)

And I don't really think it's on Finny, just a thought. :) 

submitted by Claaws
(July 23, 2016 - 4:30 pm)

Ohhhhh yeah.... also add Step onto there.

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(July 23, 2016 - 6:18 pm)

Wait a second. What is up with Ecio?!

submitted by a very confused Arra
(July 26, 2016 - 2:56 pm)

I walk away after talking to Moonshadow. Taking a quick look around me, I note 3 figures go into backstage- 2 humans and a dragon with a crazy amount of jewelry.  Hmm... Most likely a dragon with an agreement with 2 humans. Huh. whatever. I stroll over to the food and sniff the punch.  Spiked.  

submitted by Laya Diamondtail, age 12, The Desert Dome
(July 23, 2016 - 4:41 pm)

Is ecio...flexing his muscles?  I squeeze my eyes shut.  Respect mostly but also a nagging feeling to slap him.  

I glide over to the orduerves which resemble little spiked balls.  I grab a berry, that looks familiar enough.  Eugh, I tried swallowing it and maybe I had but the taste was so strong and awful it stayed as though the substance had never left.  The punch just looked wrong, and everything else was....weird.  Speaking of weird, was claaws wearing a dress?  A lacy, diamond begilded dress?  This place was so strange.

I smuggled my laughter, and glided.  Ugh. I hate water...It is so awkward to move around in.  I sighed, and swam.  Sort of.   At least I made it to were claaws and caelani were standing.  Water is awful.

I landed on claaws' shoulder and flipped my head over so it was upside down and me and her were eye to eye. "I absolutely adore your bejeweled garment," I snickered.  Claaws narrowed her eyes, mumbling under her breath.  "The lace goes just lavishly with your complexion.  And the dimonds-oh just how simply splendid!" I couldn't hold it in any longer.  I burst out laughing.  

I was still wheezing when caelani ahemed.  "We would enjoy a private conversation, windswift." I ignored him.  "Have you guys noticed how strange everyone's acted?  I mean I bumped into one of the organizers for this thing a few minutes ago, he was so perky.  It was like talking to a twig really.  I asked him what was in the punch, he started laughing and asked me if I thought the windows needed cleaning."

They all looked completely flabbergasted.  OK fine they didn't.  Ronan was glaring at me while icy raised an eyebrow.   A seriously annoyed eyebrow.  I glanced down at my talons.  

I understood.


Caelani muttered something I couldn't make out but knew the meaning of all the same.  I hoped my face didn't show the surpassing guilt that was overlaying every feature.  I was stained.


submitted by Windswift
(July 23, 2016 - 9:50 pm)

I spot Timber, who I promised to go to ball with. "Timber! There you are! So, do you know what's going on next? Any dancing?"


submitted by Moonshadow
(July 23, 2016 - 6:41 pm)

i take a deep breath. OK. This is going to be easy. All I have to do is pop the thing in my mouth.i do and a wonderful flavor fills my mouth. I jump in and Cobalt and Zephyr follow


I enter the ball, and immediatly two security guards walk over to me. I flash a pass i got for the automatons, and they shrug and walk away. I make my way to the sidelines and sit there. People are dancing to the music and I watch them.

i am getting alot of stares. No wonder. It's not everyday you see a girl with two automatons, one a greyhound and the other an eagle, following you around. i wonder when they will choose the guardian. 

submitted by Sprocket, age 14, SailHaven
(July 23, 2016 - 6:45 pm)


I notice Icy and a few others talking in a clustered group, all of them looking anxious. I swim over.

"What's going on?" I demand. Icy glances at me.

"Somebody's planning to steal the Power of the Fin, and the Power of the Hoof guardian is here."

I cock my head. "Power of the Hoof?" I echo. "When did that happen?" Icy scowls.

"It doesn't matter, there's a double-power theft possibility here."

"Double Power Theft," I murmur. "It sounds liuke some punk band."

"Are you not hearing this?" she sighs. I nod.

"Yup, sure. What's the plan?" 

submitted by Laria, age around 14, Wherever this is
(July 23, 2016 - 8:08 pm)

Laria, you seem a bit confused. Could I clear things up?

1. I wouldn't tell you there was going to be a double theft because, I, in fact, are going to be doing the stealing.

2. I would probably talk with a stammer since I don't really know you.

3. We probably wouldn't let you in on this? Because it's kinda top secret.....

I hope that wasn't rude or anything, I just wanted to clear that up. 

submitted by @Laria, age 11, The Forest
(July 24, 2016 - 8:38 pm)

~I couldn't finsh my last post whopes!

I slink around catching details. 2 dolphins chatting,  a Good looking horse, a chinese dragon looking majestic, Couple rumors about the poor dolphin, and a chat about stealing something.  I note the design of the ball- It has some human designs.  


What is it this time, Marrow.

The code is 18625!

Okay. Just to be clear, What is the code for?

Serouisly?  There's a keypad on the statue.  that's the code.

How did you find out the code in the forst place?

I went snooping around in the guard's mind, and found the code.

How many people and animal's minds are you going to read?

A lot. 

Wowwwww. You stalker.


OKAY!  Just stop yelling.

Finshing the talk with Marrow, I slip over to Finny here.  I summon a small bone and point it to the keypad.  Moving the bone along the crowd, I slip the bone past the guards and use the bone to tap in the code. then I press enter. 

submitted by Laya Diamondtail, age 12, The Desert Dome
(July 23, 2016 - 9:03 pm)

once I got there, I rememberd water. ironic realy. let me rephrase that, Im probly alive becore water. not just in the normal way of higdration, but also in the way, that without water, Id probly still be stuck on that island, Daggerd bay. there were people who were dancing, but there was an unsetaling tention on the dance flore, espeshaly near the lifesize statue of finny. I was drifting twords a large table coverd in egsotic looking diserts wen I say a suden movment out of the corner of my eye, I glanced up in the directionof the flash. It was the statue,sss... eye? then it moved again! it looked rigth at me, for a full two seconds! "Info Chan?" I jumped at the mention of my name, then I spun araunt to see "Moonshadow! im glad to see you hear!" I exclaimed. "Oh, and Its Vivean." he shruged "I didnt expect to see you hear, espeshaly like this!" i blushed "well I wood have came in wolf like you, but... Im stuck. well, its beter than not being a wolf at all I gess? best of everything? oh forget it!" he smerked. "well, think of it this way, you understand everyone without having to change every other conversation!" we lafed, and I glanced back up at the statue, wich was back to normal, as if the whole thing was in my imagination.

submitted by Vivean, age 11, Hear
(July 23, 2016 - 10:28 pm)

I was surprised to see Inf-Vivean- here, and like this! I didn't know shapeshifters could get 'stuck'. Strange. I see Vivean looking at the statue of Finny. She seems almost, suspicious. "What do you know about the statue?" I ask. "Hmm? Oh, nothing. I just, was, watching it! Ya know, because it's cool and made of ice!" She answers, almost too quickly. "I've overheard a few people talking about it, but I'm not quite sure what they think is going on." I continue. Vivean leans in close. "Ok, I thought I saw the statues eyes moving at first, and now when I look, they're perfectly normal." She whispers. "What? You saw the eyes move? Do think an animal is trapped in there or something?" But before she could answer, we both see Laya Diamondtail, or at least I think that's her,The last time I saw her was in the Rebel Army group. The fox is using a bone to punch in a code into a keypad on the bottom of the ice sculpture. "Moonshadow! Is that Laya? The fox from the Rebel Army group?" Vivean asks. "I think it is!" I wonder what's going on. "Vivean, do the no we should stop her?"

submitted by Moonshadow
(July 24, 2016 - 7:59 am)