(Shall we start?)

Chatterbox: KYNGDOM™ Archive

(Shall we start?)

(Shall we start?)


Trill sighed. She was standing near her bed in her dormitory room. She had three pictures of the Cypher wheel spread out in front of her. "Which one should I bring to the meeting place tonight?" she muttered. Shrugging, she picked them all up and tossed them into a bark and felt shoulder bag, along with some notes and papers. She was now ready for the night.

Trill sighed again and picked up a WWI codes book to wait until nightfall. 

submitted by Trill W., age 12, B.I.G. Dorm
(February 2, 2016 - 6:33 pm)

After the explosion I focused on my magical training from the forum. The winds quickly got the real power of wing in my talons, and i crashed out the window to escape from the terror. Then Tani burst out of the window, and I felt something flying past me. The anti-persuant divice! It's been a long time. To escape, I sent a strong gust of wind, and I flew away, carrying tani's drone with me. After flying a little distance away(actualy, a lot), I saw the screeching gryphon with the poor chicken about to be torn apart. I used some of the wind magic to quickly pick the chicken up and take her away with me to somewhere where we can discuss this. It was sucessful, and we landed besides by hollow, far enough that we can rest a bit. I realize that the chicken was the one from Capto Ablore, but I could never remember her name. Tani's drone was squashed because of her weight, but she seems to be a bit dizzy. The wind carried me some stolen cotton balls from somewhere, and I applied it to the chicken's wounds. Tani seemed to recover from being dizzy. I chirped. With the power in my beak, I put it in my messenger bag for safety. "Tani! What were you thinking? That drone could barely support your weight!" I hooted angrily at her in animal. Tani unfortunately seemed a bit confused, so I used google translate on my ipad to her. Tani then looked panicked, and I showed her the power in my bag, and she relaxed. The chicken started to wake up, so I went inside my hollow to get some moss and give the chicken some water. When I came out, Tani seemed to be fiddling with the parts of the drone and muttering in english(remember my charrie dosen't know English!). The chicken was stirring still, struggling to recall what happened. Then I heard a screech. I flew up a bit to see what it was. The gryphon was coming fast....

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 26, 2016 - 5:45 pm)
Suddenly, I am picked up by a gust of wind. I open my eyes, only to see that I am much farther from the ground than I want to be. I want to scream, but I don't have enough energy. I'm not sure what's happening. Then I see a strange girl riding a drone. Is she BIG? Who is she? Then I see an owl. With a rush of relief, I relize it's Storm. Oh, he's controlling the wind I think to myself. Then I pass into unconsciousness again.  
When I wake up, I can see the strange girl who seems to be fidgeting with an object of some kind. I  am still too groggy to know what it is. Then I see Storm. He's walking out of his hollow with, moss? I relize my wounds are cleaned and bandaged. Thank goodness for storm, a valuable member of the Capto Abolere Organization, I think. I remember how close I came to being killed. I guess I'll always just be a chicken. I sit up and eat the moss that has been sitting beside me. It's some of the best I've ever tasted, but does nothing for the rotten feeling I have inside. "You're fi awake," Storm says. "If it wasn't for me, I think you would have been torn to pieces."  "  know," I answer. "What happened?"  I tell Storm the whole story. "Maybe I should quit,"  I say. "Maybe chickens just aren't fit for this kind of work." "No, we need you in Capt'n O, Capense believes in you. He told you to distract the Gryphon, and you did. Even if you almost got killed. Many FaFA agents were able to get the citizens to safety, because of capt'n O. Because you did your job," Storm says. "Don't worry. You'll get used to things like this, and you won't get beat up next time." I think about what Storm said. I guess it's true. "But who's that?" I say, pointing to the strange girl. "That's Tani," Storm replies. "She helped me get the Power of Wing back." "Hi Tani!" She just looks at me confused. "What's wrong? " I ask Storm. "Here." He takes out his iPad and turns on Google translate. Then the girls face lights up. I'm a little confused about her, but as long as she's on our side. What do we do now? I ask myself. "What do we do now, Storm?"
~ Scarlet 
submitted by Scarlet C.
(March 27, 2016 - 9:03 am)

"Scarlet, fly!" Storm said. "What?" I'm very confused. " The Gryphon! It's still angry at you!" "But what about you? And Tani?" "We'll be fine! I'll figure something out! Go!" I can barely hear him above the roaring of the Gryphon. I take to the air. As I'm flapping, I think about the civilians. I'm glad the Gryphon is targeting me, not them. The Gryphon swats it's gigantic clawed hand at me, I dodge, it misses. But I'm running out of strength. Just as I begin to plummet to earth, a gust of what must be Storm's wind catches me up. I fly over the Gryphon's head, then swoop low and peck it as hard as I can, right on the head. Oops. This makes it more angry, which is good, I guess. It's being distracted from the village, which will help other agents get villagers to safety. The Gryphon is gaining on me, but this time I land on the ground. I flap from tree to tree, rock to rock, trying to avoid the Gryphon's blows. Then, when I'm out of its sight, the Gryphon gets distracted and goes off to destroy other things. I perch on a tree branch. I can only rest for so long. Then I'll be off to find it and fight it. 

~ Scarlet

I hope I didn't control Storm too much :-/ 

One of my CAPTCHAs today said egbw. Yes, Grace, it is the day for egg boiling. My other CAPTCHA says gvur. Yes, Grace. I am a giver. 

submitted by Scarlet C.
(March 27, 2016 - 10:07 am)

my CAPTCHAS name isn't Grace actually. 

submitted by Scarlet
(March 31, 2016 - 11:02 am)

This forum is really growing fast! I remember when there was only the number three at the bottom of the page, now there's 11 i think!


"I hear the gryphon screeching in the distance."I hooted. "How come I didn't hear it? Tani dosen't seem to hear it either!" she chirped. Tani was now typing probably a very long message to me on the translator. "Owls have better hearing than most other animals. Barn owls ecspecially. Anyways, I hope I can unsummon the gryphon back into the power of wing before it destroys everything. Hopefully, BIG have learned their lesson." I hooted. A loud crash of a tree trunk being pushed over was heard. Tani and the chicken raised their heads. I have yet to tell everyone that we have to dig under the stone tree, because one of my theories was that one or more of the scientists are secretly controling BIG like in The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan, except in that book, it's a god they are controling. I lifted the chicken into my hollow with the wind, down into the underground part where I store things that I will need for emergencies. I carried Tani onto the landing branch in front of the hollow(end of it is basket shaped and woven by weavers who live in the desert next door to the Barelands, quite far.). I landed next to her. "Be small!" I screeched to her in animal. She luckily seems to understand, and curled up, to the very back of the weaved part of the landing branch. I flew up and created a barrier of high winds around the tree to protect them. I then held up the power of wing in front of the gryphon, trying to maybe tame it in some way.


This is where the origin stories come in. If it holds a villan, but can't break the power, it would be tamed. If it holds a villian, but it can break the power, then the gryphon would try to destroy it. If it holds a hero, the hero would probably recognise it and calm down because it is in confusion and anger.


My CAPTCHA says hgcd. Yes, you can hug a CD, but i don't know why would you do that and you can't really move.... 


submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 27, 2016 - 10:35 am)

What is all this about a Gryphon?

submitted by Laria, age around 14, B.I.G., I guess
(March 27, 2016 - 4:23 pm)

Read Techibeetle's diary.

submitted by Seth, age 13, Demolished B.I.G.
(March 28, 2016 - 11:31 am)


"Cyl! Scarlet's injured!" I yell at the diving owl.

"She's fine now, Storm's taking care of her," Cyl hoots as she swoops above the battle.  While Storm and Scarlet distract the gryphon, Cyl keeps an eye on the goings on from the air, while Capense and I try to formulate a battle plan. 

"C'mon, Capense, they can't hold on for much longer," Cyl hissed, punctuating her irritation with clicks and snaps of her formidable beak. Then she flew out of sight. 

"Plan?" I turned to Capense. 

"Keep it at bay, for now. CAPTO ABOLERE!" He charges. 

"Seek and destroy," I translate quietly, bounding into the fray. Growling and fury, I dive at the gryphon's tail and sink my teeth into it. Immediatly, he tries to flick me off, but I am stronger, and quicker. Storm makes a halfhearted slash with her claws before she drags Scarlet out of harm's way. With the most intimidating yowl I can muster, I fling myself onto the gryphon's back. He's huge! His tense muscles stretch and roll under a coating of matted golden fur. I decide that he would be majestic, if not for the devilish look in his eyes and the way he tosses and rolls his proud head in pure anger. While Capense takes up the job of distracting the creature, I leap onto the gryphon's bulging neck and slash through his fur, dropping to the ground as he roars in angry pain. 

"You just made him mad," Capense clicks, swiping at the creature's eyes and narrowly missing. I lie on the ground for a few seconds to gather my senses. I wish Scooter were here. The annoying little chap could almost always make me laugh. In a few seconds, I'm at it again: jumping, slashing, dodging, rolling. Each time I hit the ground, I feel like the next bruise could not possibly be as bad as the one just afflicted, but it always is. My prized claws are stained with dried blood. But this is battle. This is what I was born for. To fight for life and safety from extinxtion; to live by Jack London's law of club and fang; to always be lashing, shlashing; battling for life like two dogs fighting over a piece of meat. Only, my teeth are clamped. The prize is not slipping away from me. I am a fighter.

submitted by Capri
(March 27, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

With Scarlet flying over the gryphon, distracting it, I got a chance to ask myself. Should I seal the gryphon back into the power, or should I try to have the gryphon get connected to the power so I can control or distract it. I'll need Zephyra's help to do either though. Meak Peak was too far from here to contact her. So I made the quick decision to help the other Capto Ablore members using the power. I tossed the power of wing to Scarlet, then I landed on a branch nearby. Flying and working magic at the same time in tiring. I made Scarlet fall suddenly, making her clucking in fear. I caught her to go up agian to make the Gryphon's attacks late. It was working, and helping me regain my magical strength. When the Gryphon got too close, I punched it using a strong force of air to keep it away from Scarlet. Suddenly, I realized that the Gryphon started whipping Cyl, Capri, and Capense with it's tail and wings. It was a good idea to have me as defense leader after all. I used a strong spell upon Cyl, Capri, and Capense. It was a wind shield spell(no, not the kind that's in front of a car). It not only protects the target, but the caster doesn't have to focus on the energy, you just send a burst of it to the target, and that's it. It doesn't wear off until the caster starts to focus on the shield's energy. This is highly useful because I was already very tired casting all the wind spells upon Scarlet and Tani upon arriving here. The shield pushed some wind at the attacker, the heavier and more times the shield it hits, the harder it blows back. I also used the wind shield spell upon the tree to protect Tani and the tree. I started to lose my energy, making Scarlet's loops more lazy and closer to the ground. I had to drop her. I couldn't hold any of the focusing spells anymore. Scarlet's wind spell faded, and she dropped to the ground, and ran. Things were not looking good.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 27, 2016 - 9:43 pm)

I look down and see Capri, Capense, and Cyl fighting the gryphon. I start to yell a greeting to Capri, then relize she can't hear me over the noise of battle. I look over at Storm, who's resting on a branch. His magic is running out. I start to fall, and cluck, frightened. Then Storm catches me up in a strong gust of wind. Our eyes meet and he tosses me The Power of Wing. What am I supposed to do with it? I think to myself. 

~ Scarlet


Sorry this is so short. I have to be somewhere.  

submitted by Scarlet C
(March 28, 2016 - 8:42 am)

Scarlet's falling! No! I dash under her, even though I know that I'm not big enough to catch her. I heft the bamboo spear that Ichiro taught be to carve and throw it with all my strength at the gryphon. It turns around, startled, looking for what hit it. I grab another spear from the case on my back and carefully aim it at the gryphon's face. I throw it and it strikes dead center. Right between the eyes. The gryphon's definitely weakened, but I know a couple of spears aren't going to stop it. I wish I knew what would......

submitted by Kasumi Hayashi
(March 28, 2016 - 10:45 am)

I watched Kasumi throw her spears at the gryphon, distracting it from the fleeing Scarlet, holding the Power of Wing. The gryphon then crushed the ground near Kasumi, launching her in the air. I used the last of my magical energy to get her safely back to the ground. The shields held strong agianst the Gryphon's attacks. It seems all the fighting just makes the Gryphon angrier, and makes it's attacks for powerful because of it's rage. Few animals were fighting the Gryphon, only Capto Ablore which is only a small organisation, and a few other creatures and humans like Kasumi. Now i'm unable to help except to not make the shields fade my focusing on them. We need Zephyra's help, and fast.

Sorry if it's sort of short. I need to go. 

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 28, 2016 - 12:17 pm)


The ground shakes violently, something breaks through the walls, and BOOM! Instantly, Giniva and I are thrown to the ground. She drags me to my feet.

"C'mon. We've got to get out of here," she murmers, "before it's—" With an ominous rumbling, cracks appear in the ceiling. Ruble begins to rain down; coming in from all sides. I duck in order to miss a loosened brick.

"Too late," Giniva finishes shakily. Before we can run, the whole building caves in. Everything is tumultuous panic, exploding into frenzied fireworks all around.  

submitted by Rose bud
(March 28, 2016 - 3:08 pm)

Oh wow this is getting good!


I'm huddled up in fetal position in the woven basket. Animals and humans are fighting the creature - the Gryphon - but I stay on the sidelines.

I leave Storm's tablet translator in the basket, hoping he'll find it when all this is over. Grabbing my beat-up drone, I hesitantly jump from the branch, landing on the leaves with a crunch. Now what to do? 

Well, there's almost no way I'm getting away from this night and still undercover-ing at B.I.G., so I decide to make do with my best plan. Which happens to be no plan. Fine by me.

I'd subsequently fiddled with the drone so it was restless and humming, looking for something to dive at. I took a deep breath and ran at the Gryphon. As I did so, I threw the drone into the air and yelled, "Drone! Largest moving object!" (That's one great thing about B.I.G. tech. Ridiculously simple voice commands.) It rockets towards the Gryphon and slams into the back of its head, crashing to pieces in the process. R.I.P. Drone. You were a good man in the end. 

The hit was hard enough so that the Gryphon turns towards me and lets out an ear-shattering roar. "Hey, Ugly!" I yell, taking out my two short staffs from the sheaths sewed into my pants. The staffs extend to each be four-foot-long rods of metal. "You kiss you mother with that beak?" While the Gryphon's distracted, looking towards me, I shout to Storm the only sentence in bird-speak I know (convieniently learned a minute ago with his translator). "Go for its back!"

Storm seems to understand me (yay! Am I bilingual now? Birdlingual?) and screeches to his fellow birds. They dive towards its back in a collective wave, assisted by humans on the Gryphon's sides, while I continue to hit it in the beak with my staffs. If this doesn't take it out, I don't know what will.




submitted by Tani V., age 14ish, Tatooine
(March 28, 2016 - 5:26 pm)

Ha! Nice pun.

submitted by Storm Windwhisperer
(March 28, 2016 - 8:02 pm)