
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

ugh I suddenly have a crush on one of my best friends 

now I'm questioning again  

how did that happen who said this was ok

who said this was allowed >:/



submitted by Wait, It's February, age <3, <3
(February 1, 2022 - 8:02 pm)

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just switched classes and we have assigned seats and I sit right next to my crush AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

On a more serious note... they need to stop being so adorable. it is literally unfair

submitted by someone somewhere
(February 2, 2022 - 8:32 pm)

I sometimes feel like I don't have any really good friends. I'm in a friend group that's pretty big, but I'm kind of sidelined and I feel like they mostly hang out with me because I'm there, not because they want to. I know they've met a couple times without inviting me. I also know that they have some chats that I'm not on. Once, there was a chat and someone asked "should we add *insert my irl name here*?" and another person replied "we did" and they still forgot to add me. Sometimes we play hide and seek at recess and they forget me, or say they don't know I was playing when I know for a fact some of them did.

I have one good friend, but I feel like I'm being kind of annoying to them, maybe slightly too much. I'm with them a lot because I don't really have anywhere else to go, but I feel like maybe they don't like that.

I just want to have a group of people who are like me and who enjoy spending time with me, who I feel like I'm appreciated, always.

On a positive note, I'm really glad I joined the CB because I feel like a lot of people here are more like me then the people I know irl. I wish I could meet everyone in person. 


I'm sorry you feel that way, TotallyAnon. Navigating big friend groups can be hard. We're glad you're here in the Chatterbox. - Admin

submitted by TotallyAnon
(February 3, 2022 - 1:39 pm)

I'm so sorry that this is happening to you, and the first thing I want to tell you is this: you are LOVED. Even if your friends seem to be taking you for granted, there are always people in this world who care about you. 

So I've personally never had this experience, but I have some advice:
1. Maybe try talking to your friends about how you feel? Tell them you feel left out and/or unappreciated. This may cause drama, though...
2. If you find you get left out of games and chats, make your own! Start a chat and make sure to include everyone in your friend group in it, to insure you're not left out. Catch up with your friends when they're playing hide and seek, and ask to be seeker next (because nobody can forget the seeker!) you may find that your friends really were just accidentally leaving you out, and the more you include yourself, the more you'll be included!
3. Try making new friends! If your friends really aren't contributing to your friendship enough, and you're hoping for a group of people who like you and appreciate you, a great way to do that is to look for one. Sit with someone new at lunch. Join a club you're interested in (which is a great way to meet people who are like you, because if they like that club too, you already have something in common.) 
4. Remember that you are awesome and anyone who doesn't want you as a friend doesn't deserve you as a friend because they'll never see how amazing you are, okay? You are great just the way you are, and never feel like you have to change. 
Well, I hope that helps. Good luck with your friends!
submitted by Peri@TotallyAnon, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(February 3, 2022 - 5:40 pm)

Thanks! Sometimes it's just nice to hear people say they care.

submitted by TotallyAnon
(February 3, 2022 - 10:26 pm)

Also, thanks Admin!

submitted by TotallyAnon
(February 3, 2022 - 10:27 pm)


My friend/crush kinda invited me to something for Valentine's Day...


submitted by *In Hiding*, age Well,, Not really, but...
(February 3, 2022 - 4:53 pm)

So... whenever someone corrects me, no matter if it's done in the most kind, supportive way, or if it's about something completely trivial, I end up miserable and alone in my room. My brain is constantly looking for ways to interpret other people's actions as meaning that they think I'm stupid/worthless/annoying/etc., and using it as proof that I actually am stupid/worthless/whatever.

And I know, rationally, that no one actually thinks of me this way - and if they do, it doesn't matter  - but I can't stop obsessing over the possibility that they might, in fact, hate me, which translates to, inevitably, that I'm worthy of being hated and therefore am not perfect, which my perfectionist brain just can't handle.

I haven't told anyone this, because I don't want them to worry, and, frankly, I just want to be left alone. I just don't know what to do.

submitted by some cber
(February 3, 2022 - 5:39 pm)

I don't know if you were really looking for advice, but I just gotta say something because that feeling sounds awful. I know you said you don't want to talk to anybody but I'm guessing you don't like feeling that way either, and I think you should tell someone because there are a lot of people who can help you stop feeling that way. Please remember that people do not expect you to perfect and you really don't have to be.

submitted by Peri@some cber, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(February 3, 2022 - 6:54 pm)

Thanks - this helped. <3

submitted by some cber
(February 3, 2022 - 8:36 pm)

Ugh sometimes I feel really terrible about everything I do.Not moral complexity, just quality. I knowyou're not supposed to compare yourself to others but so many people areso much better, at well, everything! It makes the things I do manage to do feel really worthless and like its just a waste of time that I simply don't have ir deserve to waste and it doesn't matter what anyone says it feels terrible. Then it makes it really to go through with anything.

Weirdly enough it actually makes it worse when people compliment stuff I do since it sorta reminds me everyone can see all this subpar stuff and attribute it to me and- ugh. Plus it just doesn't usually match up with my expectations or wants and then having people like "Oh that looks really good" make it feel hollow and disingenuous even though it's not really thier fault. Bleh.

submitted by someone anonymous
(February 3, 2022 - 6:29 pm)

I think you should talk to someone about this. There are people who can help you stop feeling this way.




As I said to some cber, please remember that nobody expects you to be perfect and you don't have to be. 

submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere on a SNOOOW DAY
(February 4, 2022 - 7:26 am)

I feel like I'm always comparing myself to others, and judging myself.  Like, I'll see someone who's prettier or kinder or cooler than me and feel bad that I can't be like that.  Or even here on the CB I'll be excited to post some art or writing and then I'll see someone else's incredible art or writing, and then end up not posting anything because mine isn't as good as theirs.  And I know it's ridiculous to compare myself like that but I can't help it, and I've started to feel like I'll never be good or talented enough.  Like I'm not enough even for myself, let alone for other people.

submitted by anonymous
(February 4, 2022 - 6:56 pm)

Some times I feel that way too. But just remember you ARE good enough. You are an amazing human being. Also you never know, maybe the person who posted that art or writing is self conscious about it as well and feels like it isn't good enough. Everyone always has something they are self conscious about it's literally part of being alive. And everyone is different too. One of my favorite quotes is: be yourself, everyone else is already taken. And if you want to get better at something just practice! Everyone everywhere who is good at something or other practices. It probably took them a long time to get that good and even then they don't think it's good enough. And I really think you should just go for it. Post that art or writing! Everyone on CB is very kind and talented. I bet your art is amazing and you if you don't post it your taking that away from yourself and other CBers. You might feel much better if you just post it and see what people say. People can give you constructive criticism and you can expand your talent off of it. The CB is a place to share your art and grow your art and make new friends and take new chances. I don't know if this helps at all but I hope it at least helped some. Some times you feel like you'll never be good enough but EVERYONE is good enough. People are amazing. It's amazing that they can even do things like make art and write stories. Anyway I'm kinda going on a rant here so I should stop. But just remember: be yourself, everyone else is already taken ;) 

submitted by Anonymous helper
(February 9, 2022 - 2:10 pm)

I feel really crumby today. Not physically just mentally. It's been sort of like this for a while even though I'm on meds that are supposed to help and I have stuff to do for school but I just can't bring myself to do it. I've even been talking more and doing better everyone says I seem way healthier and sometimes it's like that kind of but then there are these really bad crashes that are about ten times worse then usual and I just don't want to get up and do anything again and who cares about tomorrow and... what do I do. I hate counsellors. They've never helped and I've already had several bad experiences over the years. I want to turn in a pinecone and disappear under the snow. let me go cry now 

submitted by someone anonymous
(February 9, 2022 - 11:14 pm)