
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

I'm really scared.

my sister has Covid and shes sick with symptoms of a cold, and so now I have to get tested.

I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat, and the test doesn't sound fun. I'm really, really nervous. If I'm positive then I don't get to go to school next week... but if I'm negative I'm probably going to get it from my sister anyways. Welp, we'll find out in a few hours.

Hopefully I'm negative and don't get it, I'm vaccinated, i guess it's possible I have a cold or something.... doubtful, but I'd like to keep an optimistic point of view, even if it's small. 

Many, many people, including other Chatterboxers and young children, have been tested several times. You'll do fine. Even if you do have Covid, since you're vaccinated, your symptoms will probably remain mild, like having a cold. Let us know how you and your sister are doing.

Best wishes, Admin

submitted by Red Starlight, In a hospital parking lot
(December 27, 2021 - 5:16 pm)

Thank you, admins! I tested negative (surprisingly) but I'm testing again on Wednesday to double check. My mom and I both tested negative, my sister is the only one who tested positive. We were told to all quarantine together. My sister is doing pretty good, just minor symptoms. She's bummed she has to stay inside for so long, though. 

Thanks for this report. Now you'll know exactly what to expect for your next test. I've learned that fear of the unknown and anxiety before a procedure are almost always greater than the procedure itself. Many people tend to imagine the worst, then find that it really isn't so bad!


submitted by Red Starlight
(December 27, 2021 - 10:03 pm)

I like among us

I have a crush on link from zelda breath of the wild

I am agender (thats not really a secret tho)


submitted by Marksman, age 23 on Mars, Oakland, CA
(December 28, 2021 - 8:27 am)

Me too .. but honestly i like prince sidon and the accordion playing rito...........KASS.

submitted by Reuby Moonnight, age 11 Nebulas, Luantaria
(January 20, 2022 - 5:00 pm)

I like among us and minecraft but i hate fortnite

I have a crush on link from Zelda Breath of the Wild

I am agender (not really a secret tho)

I just made this comment but now I cant find it so I am reposting it 

submitted by Marksman, age 23 on Mars, Oakland, CA
(December 28, 2021 - 8:30 am)

Just FYI--the reason you don't see comments right away after posting them is because the Admins have to check them to make sure they're appropriate. That confused me at first so I just wanted you to know :)

submitted by Periwinkle, age I, Somewhere in the stars
(December 28, 2021 - 11:15 am)

I have a crush on my best friend

And they like me back

But we're not doing anything...

And they've stopped responding to my texts

And even though I said "I don't care" if we become a... thing... I kinda do

Any advice? 

submitted by --------
(December 28, 2021 - 1:15 pm)

is it supposed to be stressful to make a list of invites to a birthday party? somehow i managed to make it be.


-one of my friends is friends with only one other person on the list and everyone else sort of has something against him. also my friendship with him isn't too well known.

-i get anxious when one of the people is around the others, and i think it is because i'm overly protective of him and i don't want him to be to close with them. yes, i know i shouldn't care who he hangs out with but i still do. and yes, everyone knows i'm friends with this one. i..well. *deep breath* we're shipped. there. i said it. he seems to be good with that and has shown me signs he does like me, but i don't know if he really does like me or not, and admittedly i do. so there. that's complicated. and i'm also worried some other people like him, and i don't know how to keep him. i also don't know if he knows i like him.

-most people just yell at one person, yet I'm still friends with him. and yet again, the friendship here isn't very public again.

-what if my main friend group make fun of me for who i invited? i have some outside friends from my friend group that are different from them, and i'm worry the'll ridicule me for it. 

help? i really need some help here. especially with number two.


submitted by pseudonymous, age na, alternate universe #902
(January 2, 2022 - 3:16 pm)

Yeah... I get what you mean. I really wish I could help you, but I don't know what to do... I'm really sorry. But hope yourbirthday/birthday party goes great!
For me, I have one friend who I feel like we aren't the closest right now, and *please don't tell her I said this. Wait. You don't know who I'm talking about...* can be a tiny bit annoying. But, she's still my friend, and in my friend group... I did invite her, but it still feels a bit akward.

submitted by Rainbow!, age 12!!!!!!!!, Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
(January 5, 2022 - 7:16 pm)

The same thing happened to me... though he wasnt exactly my BEST friend. My advice is, If you REALLY like them and REALLY want to be a "thing" then try to contact them another way, by writing a letter or something. If your alright either way, then perhaps you should let them ease back into things, take it slow, let them do what theyre gonna do, and maybe if you leave them alone for a little while, they'll come back to you. Idk. That's my advice.

submitted by Cranberry@--------, age 14, Pantala
(January 2, 2022 - 3:29 pm)

So... I hate compliment threads. But not for the same reasons most CBers do. I hate them because of the reasons other CBers do. Most of the time, from what I've seen, newer/younger/less well-known CBers find them annoying because they never get complimented, which is understandable, and exactly how I used to feel. The truth of the matter is, though, that compliments are special things, things that should be given to someone, by someone else who means it. a) it's very difficult to meaningfully compliment someone who you don't know very well, and b) compliments are 100% more meaningful if they are not forced or developed in batches. I think it's a good thing to promote giving compliments when you mean it, and if there are compliment threads, they should be places that give people the opportunity to compliment someone they admire or have been meaning to compliment. Obviously, that means that, more often than not, it will be the more well-known CBers who are mentioned, because they have formed the most relationships and impressions. And that's okay, but it can lead to people feeling left out. I don't think it's wrong at all that the more popular CBers get the most compliments; you can't expect deep and sincere compliments from someone you've barely met, online at that. My points are that 1) people shouldn't be so upset about it; it's kind of how real compliments work, and 2) maybe we should encourage compliments outside of dedicated threads to CBers whenever you admire what they do.

Maybe more of a rant than a confession, though. Unpopular opinion, perhaps?

submitted by Kinda Anon
(January 22, 2022 - 12:08 am)

oh YES i wholeheartedly agree. Adding on to the part about the more well-known CBers getting more compliments: keep in mind that people won't know you very well if your posting is sparse. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't post frequently, do whatever you want. But yeah, it's hard to give sincere compliments to someone you don't/hardly know. I didn't get a lot of compliments when i was a newbie and that's just kind of how it works. I'm not mad or anything but I do wish that compliment threads could exist without so much drama, though.

submitted by ._., hi there
(January 23, 2022 - 1:50 pm)
submitted by I agree
(January 24, 2022 - 12:24 pm)

Thank you! I'm glad I'm not alone. I've actually been indirectly nailed (not mentioned, but I could tell they were referring to me) for giving a newer CBer a compliment that was "too vague". The CBer I complimented (they were not the one who criticized me, for the record) was very new and I had not been around very often. In theory, there's not really anything wrong with a compliment thread, so the drama that comes up with some people just proves that they aren't using it the right way, I guess.

submitted by Kinda Anon
(January 24, 2022 - 6:12 pm)

I don't know what to do. Last night I felt really sad and I don't even know why, I just feel like every mean thing anyone's said, every time I mess up, its just all piling up and now I can't stand it. This morning I woke up feeling sick, so I stayed home from school. I felt crummy all day, except when my friend texted me. We talked for a while, but then she had to go eat dinner and then I felt bad again. I don't get this- I was glad I didn't need to go to school today because I didn't want to have to deal with people but the times I've been happy today are when I've been talking to people. I guess the people I talk to are nice people, instead of the people at my school who are.. well.. middle schoolers. I'm feeling a bit better now since I have something to look forward tomorrow, but I'm still confused why today happened the way it did.

submitted by anon
(January 31, 2022 - 7:59 pm)