Kyngdom Survival Guide

Beginner Thread For

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Beginner Thread For

Beginner Thread For New Kyngdomers or Those Who Want a Slightly More Relaxed Roleplay To Participate In

By relaxed, I really just mean a thread that doesn't directly alter the main plot.

Here's a link to Hazel's Kyngdom Academy thread, if you have any questions:

Anyways, let's introduce a segment of story, hmm?


The Grasplands, located in Southeastern Kyngdom, were once a peaceful land, where people of all nations came to visit and enjoy the warm climate. But ever since the war, the Grasplands have been altered. And not in a good way.

Nations bordering Kyngdom began to take advantage of its weakness. They began to seep into the boundaries, seeking to take some of the land.

However, Catastrophe didn't want other nations meddling in his war. He began to bomb the area. The other nations left, leaving the Graspland to view him as their savior.

Ever since, the Nobyls (wealthy families that used to rule Kyngdom) have been replaced with Catastrophe's soldiers. He has begun to recruit people living in the Grasplands.

But he's not the only army in town. 

The Resistance has been hiding in the alleyways and basements of towns in the Grasplands, seeking to recruit those who do not agree with Catastrophe's motives. 

What side will you join? Or will you join any at all?


Remember, post your charrie sheet on the Who's Here? thread, which is located on the homepage. 

Happy roleplaying!  

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(November 23, 2019 - 3:32 pm)

Dar'sava ~~

Before we can leave the house, we hear soldiers burst into the farmhouse.  

"Come out!" A male voice yells from downstairs. "Or let this stupid child be the consequence of your actions."

"Oh my Claaws, they've got a hostage," Ember whispers.

"It doesn't matter," Kirah says. "We have to leave."

"Wait. I've got an idea," I say. I grab the tenebris and yank him to his feet . He snarls in response. 

I force him down the stairs. Ember and Kirah watch from above.

The tenebris stays still, not willing the test me and my pistol.

"I don't think so," I snap. "Hand over the kid before I shoot your assassin."

"So you ARE Resistance members," The man says. "Good thing I got your friends, then." He whistles .

Two more soldiers come up the stairs. R'oko and Jasper are with them, their hands bound together. 

"I thought you left!" R'oko cries out. The soldier behind him kicks him roughly . "Quiet!"

That's when I spot Jira, the elf. I also notice Ember and Kirah have pulled out their weapons.

"Just shoot me already, you stupid cat," The tenebris hisses under his breath.

I look around. I realize this was a terrible under. I discreetly motion to Ember and Kirah to get out of here. Kirah instantly vanishes, probably through a window. Ember hesitates, then follows.

"Come with us and leave the tenebris here to die. Then maybe we'll leave your friends alive."

I swallow. "Fine."

A soldier comes up behind me and yanks the gun from my hand, then binds my hands behind my back. The tenebris glares at me, rubbing his neck.

Jira steps forwards. "Wait. I want to come. I'm not one of...them. I want to learn more about you."

"She's not one of us, I swear," Japser says through gritted teeth. 

The lead soldier shrugs. "I don't see why not. We could certainly use some help with the prisoners." 

Then the lead soldier shoves the kid forwards. "Eniyan, you'll get to choose to do whatever you wish with this child. It will be a way of proving your loyalty. I do warn you though--leave the kid alive and we won't hesitate to kill you instead."

With that, we are lead out of the building, leaving Eniyan, Ember, and Kirah behind.


Sorry that was so long! Also, I was thinking Eniyan and Cadao could probably run off? Eniyan would want to find Ember and Kirah probably. He would take Cadao with him, and then I suppose that's how Eniyan would leave Catastrophe. Also, Soren, I was thinking Kirah might want to rescue Dar'sava and the others? I figured that might sort of start their ship.

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 9, 2019 - 3:45 pm)


Nice one, I think, watching the scene play out from a window. After a terrible, unconsented move, Dar'sava winds up being dragged behind those Catastrophe minions with Jasper and R'oko in tow, leaving a kid with the tenebris...

Eniyan. That's what the tenebris is named.

It has a name...

Well, of course he does; why wouldn't he? It's just strange to think of something designed to kill to have an identity.

Quickly, I formulate a plan. "Okay, first we have to go save that kid; then, we follow Dar'sava and the rest far behind and see where they lead them, then sneak in and get them out," I whisper quickly. Ember nods. We sneak around to the front of the barn and open the doors.

"Eniyan, I-" Ember stops talking when she sees the tenebris helping the child up and... smiling at him.

"I'm not with Catastrophe; I never really was," Eniyan says. He looks so sincere... must be a good actor, I decide.

"...If you so much as..." I trail off quickly and lower my gun. "Alright. Fine. What do you want to do wth him?"

"His name is Cadao, actually," he says. I scowl. "I'll sneak away with him. You can go get your friends; I'll take care of him."

"So you think I'm just going to let a homo tenebris take a kid and-"

"Kirah," Ember butts in gently, "I... think we can trust him. I mean, he never actually did anything to hurt us..."

I huff. "Fine! But if something happens to the kid- to Cadao- it's not my fault," I snap, caving in. "Go on, then," I snarl at Eniyan. He nods at me and, wordlessly, marches away with Cadao in tow. I watch them for a few seconds before snapping back and remembering the trouble Jasper, Dar'sava and R'oko are in.

"Come on," I grumble. Ember and I move towards a line of buildings, slinking along on tiptoe until we can see the group bobbing up ahead of us. We lag behind, watching closely. 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(December 9, 2019 - 5:51 pm)

Davina is a seven feet tall Sanukan, daughter of Victor, the Sanukan mayor. She's about 18-ish, maybe 19. She's kind of a gung-ho style charac--bold and wild. She works with the Sanukan army but for the most part is a freelance fighter. She and Kimi stole the fake Power of Hoof at the flea market, and I'd consider them to be pretty close friends.


"So, what do we do first?" Kimi asks, her face pressed to the glass. The black truck glides smoothly through the grass. A gold symbol depicting a mountain with a red background is painted on the side of the truck, to show that's it's a Sanukan truck and not one of Catastrophe's.

"I'm sure General Hviti Funglinn will tell you," Our driver informs us. "He's Victor's right hand man and head of the army."

The black truck pulls up to the Sanukan headquarters in Iafield. Time to get started, I suppose.


I ran out of time, but I'll continue this soon. I've got an idea for their plan. 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 9, 2019 - 7:09 pm)



We all get out of the truck and get our bags from the back. The driver hops back in and heads towards the hangars. 

The HQ is just outside of city limits. Sanukan traders head in and out of the large, cabin-esque building.  We enter, looking around at the beautiful wooden interior.

"Welcome!" A dark skinned man, taller than me by quite a bit (which is surprising) says. His dark' braided brown hair is tied in a man bun. He's got an undercut and several piercings. He's wearing a regular Sanukan uniform, modified slightly for the warm climate.

"My name's Hviti. Technically I'm a General, but I like to think everyone is an equal, so I don't typically go by my title." We shake hands with him and introduce ourselves . I've met him once before, when he was just a captain in the army. My father and him had always been close.

He leads us into a room just beneath the large staircase. Inside is are walls covered in maps and a circular table surrounded by chairs.

The three of us sit down.

"So, what do you want us to do?" Kimi asks.

"Well, we've been realizing that these attacks aren't from Catastrophe's group--they're attacks orchestrated by the Black Skull, a group who fled to the Grasplands. They're closely allied with SOCS and Catastrophe ," Hviti begins. "We believe they have a base four miles east of here--but it would be absolute madness to try to storm it with this few soldiers, no matter how good they are."

"So then what are we supposed to do?" I ask.

"We've heard rumors that there are secret Resistance 'safehouses' hidden throughout the Grasplands. What we need you to do is find one, and contact the members inside. Then, you'll have to form an alliance with them, and get them to break into the Black Skull base with us."

~ ~~ 

submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 9, 2019 - 8:04 pm)
submitted by TipTopBop
(December 11, 2019 - 5:55 pm)
submitted by PleasePost!, Toooop!
(December 16, 2019 - 5:23 pm)

The sky colored itself darker and darker until the whole world was suffocated by a blanket of musty fog. The moon shone giving sufficient light, yet the clouds hung low and brought a inky gloom to the chilly night. I was being kept apart from Darsava and Ro'ko, and following feet behind them. Well, following as in being forced to follow. The ropes coil around my wrists, like a constrictor sucking life from its prey. I've been attempting to sever the ropes with a small rock ive found, and it seems to be doing quite nicely. Yet, I can only work on it at seconds at a time. I had known how vicious Catastrophes soldier's were, but this brigade was especially cruel, as almost all of them were elites or actually trained to get in the army. 

I began thinking about what they were going to do to me... and how to escape. There's a large percentage I'd die trying, but it could be worth it. I'm expendable. The other two are Resistaance members, and I have little to no information that is deemably worthy to be taken all the way to the dungeons. Somewhere. I have no idea where their taking us. 

As we exit through the lines of buildings, we slow, but Darsava seems to be in trouble. 

"Can't you watch where you're going?" He snaps, as a soldier had barged by him to the front of the brigade. The soldier stopped and turned slowly, approaching Darsava. Without a word, the soldier sent a fist flying for his jaw. Suprisingly, the cat boy lurched backword, but not quick enough to miss the blow completely. He lept foward, hand tied and began the beginning of my demise, most likely. I ripped away from the soldier in charge of me, and my ropes snapped, and attempted to calm the fray. I grabbed Darsava from the waist and slammed him to the ground. 

"Do you want us to be killed?" I breathed through gritted teeth.

Darsava looked indifferent, as he lay on the dirt road, wheezing. The captain of the brigade comes rushing in, and harshly yanks his fist fighting soldier from the crowd of soldiers that he had attempted to hide in. He ordered for the soldier to have a punishment, but I didnt hear what it was, as he turned to approach me and Darsava, I knew I would die right then. As fate would have it, I was wrong. 


Sorry guys, this is pretty long. But I kinda wanted something to happen, as to give another reason to write. And sorry about not posting! I think I speak for everyone when I say the holidays are super busy, so I wont be posting for about two weeks. Im having family over and such... I hope this post was ok? *Also is the Lead soldier a Captain? Is that what you call it? Im not sure. 

submitted by Jasper K.
(December 17, 2019 - 8:47 am)

I don't have holiday trouble, but I smashed my hand today so I might not post for a while either.

submitted by Nyx, age 12 years, earth
(December 17, 2019 - 4:32 pm)


Ember and I follow the brigade of soldiers for a while, turning corners and hradly ever making a sound. there was a tense moment when Ember stapped on a deaf leaf and it crunched under her foot, but no-one seemed to notice.

suddenly, the brigade comes to a slow, and I can see Dar'sava arguing with a soldier, the idiot... as I inch closer watch him carry on with his stupidity, I see Jasper picking away at his handcuffs with a sharp little rock...

The soldier turns slowly and slaps Dar'sava.

Something jolts inside of me, and I kind of want to slap the soldier for slapping him, though I'm not sure why- I mean, it was his own fault- but I'm suddenly wanting to defend that bigheaded dufus. I inch even closer.

In a flash, I see Jasper flying towards Dar'sava, making him look even more idiotic than Dar'sava. I see R'oko cringe. Jasper pins Dar'sava to the ground. And that's when the captain comes barraling through his soldiers, barking something at the one who slapped Dar'sava, then turns to Jasper and Dar'sava. Menacingly. The looks in their eyes are beyond horrified.

And then, I know that I have to do something, and quickly, before the captain kills Dar'sava and Jasper. Without even thinking, I reach for my pistol and get the captain right in the chest.

"Ember, help me!" I whisper as the soldiers shout and stumble in the confusion. Ember fumbles for her own pistol, looking very hesitant to pull it out.

"Aim for arms and legs," I whisper, knowing what she must be thinking. "They won't be fatal, but it's enough to get them out of our way." As I tell her this, I pull out my secondary pistol and slide it across the ground to Jasper. He grabs it, looks for its source, finds me and gives me a nod.

And then, the little spot explodes into gunfire. From me. From Jasper. From the soldiers. I watch Ember as she shoots one in the arm, then looks like she sincerely regrets it. I look back up to see a soldier with their gun training on our hiding spot. I get him before he can get us, then take down one standing near Dar'sava 

He better be grateful for this... 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(December 19, 2019 - 5:42 pm)


The gunfire dies down all of a sudden. Kirah's sneak attack worked very well: The band of soldiers appears to be completely incapacitated. Many are dead, while others lay wounded. I rise, prepared to step out of hiding, when Kirah hisses,

"Get back down!"

She flashes to her feet and fires her gun one last time into the darkness, where a final soldier had been hiding. He will never rise again. The shot echoes away into the night, and all is silent.

Kirah cocks hear head; Jasper and Dar'sava remain very still. Then, it is deemed safe to move.

Kirah hurries to Dar'sava; I rush to Jasper, who's looking dazed.

"Jasper, you good?" Aside from a few surface wounds, he appears to be fine. I can tend to injuries later, anyway.

But wait, where's R'oko?

I whip around, searching for a flash of light-colored fur. Relieved, I spy him over by a rock [I'm not sure where we are right now--woods? Field?], but there's a horrified look on his face.

"...My tail...I think my tail got shot off!" he cries in horror.

I squint and approach him. "Turn around, let me see."

He spins around, but his tail is still there--just horribly bent. I wince at the sight of it. "Umm, don't worry, it's still there, R'oko. Just a little bit...broken."

I'm just about to ask what we should do with the living soldiers when R'oko gives a shout and points to the other side of the trail. A soldier--the one whose arm I'd shot--is scrambling away, into the [woods?].


submitted by Hazel C.
(December 20, 2019 - 1:39 pm)


I rub my jaw. It's starting to bruise. That'll be fun.

R'oko suddenly shouts and points. "Hey, over there!"

A soldier, holding his injured arm up against him, sprints across the trail. He rushes into a small copse of trees. It's a bit too small to consider it the 'woods', but for the Grasplands it's fairly impressive.

I rush after him, ignoring the pain in my bruised limbs. It's only after I'm in the trees do I realize I have no weapon.

A hand touches my shoulder. I whip around to see Eniyan-- that killing beast.

I slash at him with my claws. He grabs my wrist, holding it still. "Quiet down, you idiot." I spot the kid next to him, somehow still alive.

"Cadao," Eniyan says, looking at the kid. "Stay here. My friend Dar'sava will watch you. Don't leave his side. Got it?"

The kid nods. Did Eniyan just call me his friend? What's going on?

Eniyan slinks forwards, drawing a gun and following the soldier's path. I notice the gun is a tranquilizer gun. Interesting choice for someone like Eniyan.

Eniyan vanishes. Cadao and I wait.

He reappears, an unconscious soldier in tow. Without saying anything he walks past us. Cadao and I follow.

We emerge back into the fields. Jasper, R'oko, Ember and Kirah all look up.

"You again," Kirah mutters. "I see Cadao's still alive."

Eniyan drops the soldier roughly on the ground. "Looked like you could use some help."



submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(December 22, 2019 - 9:09 am)


I peek out from behind a large-ish rock, which I had dived behind when the gunfire started. R'oko, Dar'sava, Kirah, Ember, Jasper and the tenebris, Eniyan clustered around a young kid and an unconscious soldier. I squint. The soldier seems to be only unconsious, at least.
I quietly sneak around, my hooded camo cape pulled tight around my shoulders, until I've neared the small group.
What do I do now? I think. These people allowed me to stay in their safe house, barely even asking about where I had come from, and I should be grateful. I am grateful. But they also lied about Eniyan, and were just shooting at us. In self-defense, yes, but they went about it in a rather frenzied way. Instead of focusing on shooting at the soldiers, they only focused on not shooting Jasper, R'oko, and Dar'sava. They didn't even glance to see where I was. 
I wonder why, I think. I mean, I know I just met them, but they seemed to treat me almost as a potential enemy....
Finally making up my mind, I slink forward until I'm hiding behind a tree just next to the group, who are talkign about how to deal with the unconscious soldier, and as Kirah opens her mouth to say something I leap forward. Grabbing the unconscious soldier, I dash away as fast as I can. The others seem to be able to take care of themselves and each other, but the soldier is currently unable to fend for himself.
I weave between the sparse trees until I'm mostly sure that the others aren't following me, and then I sit down with my back against a tall oak, and lay the soldier on the ground to wait for him to wake up.

submitted by Jira
(December 22, 2019 - 12:43 pm)


This has by far been a very weird and terrible day. There were two resistance members that had been captured and then three more came out with an assasin. It was very confusing but it all ended up with me getting left with the supposed assasin. 

"Look kid I'm not going to kill you." the assasin tells me.

"But who are you? What's happening?" I have lost my braveness now that well I thought I was going to die way to many times today.

"I'm Enyian. I'm not with Catastrophe. I never really was." he says helping me up. I now notice gow tall he is and how short I am compared to him. It kind of makes me feel weak. The punches from the Catastrophe people are setting in now. 

"Okay, I'm Cadao. But then how are you an assasin for Catastrophe?" 

Then the doors open "Enyian I-" a young women starts as she opens the door but she stops talking as she sees me and Enyian talking and I guess I must look better than I did. 

"If you so much as..."  A female Homo Avian says coming through the door as well. She never finishes her thought but I can kind of get it. 

Enyian goes over to them and the speak in sort of hushed voices. Enyian nods at them and comes back motioning for me to follow. I do and we leave the barn heading to somewhere.

As we are walking everything starts setting in. The reality of leaving my town, my mother dead, and now I'm with a potential fugitive of Catastrophe's army which means that we will most likely be hunted by them too. I start to cry silently without even realizing it. 

Enyian turns around "IT would be better if- oh boy." HE realizes i'm crying. "Hey, uh, what's wrong?"

"T-this was my home a-and m-my m-mom-" I cut myself off with crying as I am now sobbing.

Enyian mutters something under his breath and crouches down to my height. I hug him and cry into his shoulder and he flinches but he kind of hugs back.  

"C-can I go b-back to my house one one last t-time?" I ask after I kind of am done crying.  

submitted by Moonlight
(December 27, 2019 - 5:30 pm)

Shoot. Edit to the post! Admins you don't have to change it. This is after they started wallking. 


After we start walking I start to notice that we are following behind the two people that we had left.

"Where are we goong?" I ask Enyian

"It would be better if you didn't talk." he says in a coldish voice.

"Oh. okay" I say playing with my leather bracelet.

I hear some fighting up ahead and look up at Enyian. He motions for me to follow silently an I do. My fur kind of gets caught in sticks but we make it to an area that had the group at the barn.  We sneak up on a male homo felis. Enyian puts his hand on his shoulder which scares him. He slashes at Enyian with his claws. Enyian grabs his wrist "Quiet down you idiot!" 

"Hey! Over there!" someone shouts. theres a soldier who runs into the forest.

"Cadao," Enyian says looking at me "Stay with my friend Dar'sava. Don't Leave his side. Got it?" 

"Got it!" I say as Enyian draws a gun and stalks forward.

Dar'sava looks a little concerened and confused but I don't question it. I stay by him like Enyian said and soon enough Enyian comes back with the soldier but he's unconscious.

We all gather in a field and Kirah mutters something to Enyian but voices "I see Cadao's still alive."

I look confused. Enyian drops the soldier on the ground "Looked like you could use some help."

Kirah scoffs and rolls her eyes "We had it handled thank you."  She opens her mouth to say something else but a figure swoops in, grabs the unconcious soldier, and darts away.

"Wh-who was that?" I ask looking around the forest "Are there more?" 

"No, that was Jira." Dar'sava says "She was with us at the barn. She betrayed us."


It all began to sink in. The reality of my mother dead, the tavern burnt down, and probably being hunted by Catastrophe or someone. I start to cry silently without even realizing it. 

Ember notices first "Oh no! are you okay? what's wrong?" She kneels down to my height and I hug her, sobbing into her shoulder.

I hear Enyian mumble to the others "I swear I didn't do it! He was fine before!"

I eventually stop crying and face the others "I-i'm ss-sor-sorry. It's j-just m-my m-m-mo-mom" I look at Enyian "En-enyian, c-can we go-go visit m-my home? O-one last t-time?"

A cat comes over to us "Hi! I'm Smoke. Do you guys need any help?"  I recognize cypher on its collar.  



submitted by Moonlight
(December 29, 2019 - 7:57 pm)


Faster than I ever could have thought it was possible to move, that green elf girl Jira swoops in, snatches one of the unconcious soldiers. 

"Wh-who was that?" Cadao asks frightendly. "Are there more?" 

"No, that was Jira." Dar'sava says. "She was with us at the barn. She betrayed us." 

"Oh..." Cadao says quietly.

"She might rat us out. Would one of you go after her?" R'oko asks, wincing. Meanwhile, Cadao blubbers about missing his family while Ember and Eniyan try to console him. I force myself not to be too sympathetic for him. The last thing that needs to happen tonight is a breakdown on my part.

"I'll go," I say. But before I can, an oblivious, idiotic cat wanders into our little grouo. "Hi! I'm Smoke. Do you need any help?"

Oh my sweet ever-loving Claaws.

"Er..." Jasper begins. I look at him, communicating silently with raised eyebrows. He nods. I take this as my signal to go ahead.

Slipping away inconspicuously, I run as quietly and quickly as I can, catching up with Jira. "Hey!" I say. "What are you doing?"

"Getting help for this soldier!" she hisses back. "He doesn't deserve what you've just done to him."

Trying hard not to look at him, I say, "Look, I'm not going to stop you from doing that, but... do you know all the horrible things Catastrophe's done? Are you sure you want to help him?" 

submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, BeaconTown
(December 30, 2019 - 1:47 pm)