
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

Calico Critters!

submitted by Sempreverde
(May 7, 2024 - 3:01 pm)
submitted by top
(May 7, 2024 - 9:04 pm)

Everything's horrible and nobody cares :(((( Apparently if my entire life is ruined that's totally fine by everyone else? Apparently I'm the one who's just being silly and stupid and other stuff I'm not even going to mention? Apparently my entire life can go to blazes, is what everyone thinks. Well I'll tell them something, when you've been through the literal months of suffering that I've been through, not that I've ever complained, exactly because I didn't want this to happen, this kind of thing is a very big deal. I'm literally in tears right now. It would be so simple for other people to care and to try to find out what's going on. You would think. But oh no, of course that can't possibly be done because they're too self-centered to see past their own noses and realize that there's someone out there who needs help beyond what they could ever imagine. I have been through some awful, awful times in my life, and it's taken its toll on me. And right now I'm poised to be going through another one, and so my life has just gone up in flames before my eyes and I won't ever be properly happy again and nobody. even. gives. a darn.

It's like there's a horrible cocktail of emotions running through me, and I used to be so happy and everything was beautiful but now it's all just turned into frustration and anger and sadness and fear and worry because no matter how hard I try, no matter how many times I manage to move past the hard times and be okay again, something like this always happens and I'm dragged down into despair again. It was so fast. One minute you're so contented and happy and looking forward to things. The next... bang. It's all gone.  I honestly don't need much to be happy. I just need... peace of mind. Why won't the universe give it to me? Now I just have to sit here and watch all my chances at peace - simple, plain, ordinary peace and happiness - disappear before my eyes. 

The other awful thing is that it feels like almost nobody sees the real me. Or appreciates it. Sure, I'm not perfect and I know I've got a less-than-perfect way of being, but does anyone really understand who I am? Or do they just see me as "oh gosh, here comes that weird girl again." There's a person beyond my sunny exterior, a person few people really know, and she desperately needs to make herself understood and heard. It's like the piece of dialogue I wrote once: "It would be so nice to be loved not in spite of who you are, but because of it." I'm starting to wonder if that's possible, or if I'm too stormy and sensitive ever to really find someone who appreciates me.

Just a few hours ago I was happy. Everything was fine. And now everything's been turned into awfulnesss.

I suppose I'm just going to have to plaster on a smile and pretend like it's nothing and do what I'm obviously supposed to do. But inside, I'm going to be crying permanently.

Poinsettia, we're so sorry you're having such a tough time right now. We Admins and your Chatterbox friends care about you very much! Best wishes for things to get better for you very soon, starting today.



submitted by Poinsettia
(May 7, 2024 - 9:15 pm)

if it helps at all, i very much don't think it's fine if your life is ruined or if you're unhappy. and if it helps, i highly doubt that anyone here thinks of you as "that weird girl", and if they do it's almost certainly in a positive way (i mean most people here are kind of weird). and you can always be yourself here! nobody will think any worse of you. also seconding what the admins said. this is all i can think of at the moment but you're always welcome here and you're always welcome to rant. it's awful when nobody cares and i'm really sorry you're going through that. and i promise there are people out there who will love you because of who you are. (even if you aren't really yourself on here, we all like you! and that won't change even if you change or start being more yourself) hopefully i'll be able to think of something more useful later. i might be able to give more concrete advice if you could specify more on what happened (it sounds like something happened but i could be wrong) and i'd absolutely do that but you don't have to say more of course. whatever your favorite sweet treat is, have a virtual one. And uhhhhh how about some hot chocolate and uhhhh thumbprint cookies with peppermint frosting as well :D 

submitted by @Poinsettia, Blackfooted Bobcat
(May 8, 2024 - 9:26 pm)

Just wanted to let you know that I will respond as soon as I get the chance <3333

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, @Poinsettia
(May 8, 2024 - 10:21 pm)

We love you and care about your life! *Virtual hugs if you want them* we're here to talk anytime you want. <3 sending love your way


submitted by Scuttles
(May 9, 2024 - 8:37 am)

I just wanted to say that sorry that you're going through a tough time. If you ever need someone to talk to, there is the CB. Heres a virtual hug <3 and I hope things get better 

submitted by Moon Wolf@Poinsettia, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(May 9, 2024 - 9:53 am)

noo Poinsettiaa :(( i'm so sorry :(( *hugs if you want them* *virtual lemon balm tea*

i'm so so sorry - that sounds terrible. it's really awful that you feel like no one cares about what you're going through :( i promise i care, and i know the rest of the cbers also care, very very much <33 seriously - if you ever want to talk about it, whether you want actual advice or just to vent, both of which are perfectly valid, please let us know <33 i know i'm technically gone/on hiatus but i still check in (even if i don't post anything) from time to time so if you want to get a hold of me i'll most likely see it <33

it sounds like you're definitely going through a very hard time right now and even though the people around you might make it seem like you need to maintain your perfect happy facade, please please know that it's okay to not appear happy and perfect all of the time, especially when you're going through something like that. if there's anyone you can trust irl - i know you probably don't have access to a guidance counselor or anything like that because you're homeschooled, but maybe if there's a relative or friend you trust, you can confide in them? maybe a therapist can help, if possible? (and i'm not suggesting this because i think something's 'wrong' with you - i feel like there's a certain stigma associated with therapy but honestly therapy is for anyone - of course, it isn't necessarily the best solution for everyone but it's just a suggestion if you feel like it's something you might benefit from) i'm sure someone irl would be able to help you through this better than i can <3

i feel like there's always a societal pressure on people - especially girls, but people in general - to always have this perfect, happy front and pretend like nOtHiNg iS wRoNg because you'll be inconveniencing others or something stupid like that if you show any negative emotions whatsoever - oh but you shouldn't complain because oThEr PeOpLe HaVe iT wOrSe - and of course, yes, there are always going to be people who have it worse, and you should definitely appreciate what you have, but at the same time - you wouldn't tell someone they can't be happy because other people have it better, right? and i think it's that sort of backwards logic that's so embedded into our society that keeps us from feeling like we can truly express ourselves without being brushed off and labeled as 'overdramatic' or, like you said, 'weird' or 'stormy' or 'sensitive'.

i don't know what it's like for you irl, but here on the cb, i promise that we all love and appreciate you because of who you are, not in spite of it. after all - you're Poinsettia. you're literally amazing - you're an incredible writer, you're so passionate about the causes you believe in, and you care so, so much for us. all the things that others may see as your downfalls - how you may be too weird or stormy or sensitive - are what makes you so awesome. someone who wasn't sensitive wouldn't care nearly as much about world issues, or those around them - and that's one of the things i admire most about you. and someone who wasn't stormy wouldn't bother with pushing for change and advocating so valiantly for the causes they believe in. and someone who wasn't weird - well, they wouldn't be very interesting, would they? what would they have to write about that was worth reading? 

this is getting very long and i have a lab report i need to finish, so i'll try to end this here. hopefully my ramblings were slightly helpful, and if you get anything from this, i hope you realize that we cbers do care very very much about you, and we love you for who you are, and if you ever need anything, we're here for you <3333

submitted by pangolin@Poinsettia, age she/they, *spooky ghost noises*
(May 9, 2024 - 8:51 pm)

*gives you an optional virtual hug*

*starts crying with you*

Poinsettia, I'm so sorry that you feel this way!!! I have no idea what the hard times you're talking about are, so I can't give advice, but please know that we love you. We don't think you're weird AT ALL. We care, and we want you to know that we care.

I can't give advice, but there is one thing I can do for you, and that is to pray. Let me know if you would like me to pray for you and I will. I most definitely will.

<3 <3 <3  


submitted by Lyric, age :D, very tired
(May 9, 2024 - 11:28 pm)

Anddd, I'm here :/

As everyone has already said, you do have people here at least, who care so totally much about you!! I honestly have no idea what you went through, but it sounds absolutely horrible, and sending so much love and comfort and so many hugs your way <333 maybe make yourself/drink a cup of tea when you're feeling down?? And I'm so so sorry that you don't feel loved for who you are -- I don't know if you're yourself here, but I do promise that I love you, and I'll keep loving you if you aren't fully yourself here and decide to be more yourself/less of a sunny exterior as you said!! (/p)

I think you're right about how people should find some time to care more. I have no idea if this works for you bc I know (or rather think, bc Ig I can't really know anyone on the Internet, but yes pushing all that aside bc I know) you already do this, but when I feel like no one cares at all about me and about other people and stuff, I just try to care enough for everybody. I wave and smile to that truck driver who stopped for me and my classmates to cross the road, I never (ok maybe not never but still) cut corners when we run the mile even though most of my class always does, I pick up trash silently, I smile at the birds in the sky, I take time to appreciate the breeze on my cheek and the feeling of being alive, I just... I mean, Ik that doing this doesn't make people care about you any more, but you feel more fulfilled I think and you feel like maybe people caring about you isn't that big of a deal when you care for yourself so much, that others are missing out and who cares about them??? Ofc, Ik you're an extrovert, and I'm an introvert, soo... we probably have different mindsets. But... yeah. And I don't think you have trouble doing this, but it's a good thing to remember anyways, that no matter what you are an amazing and loving and passionate and lovely person and we love that you're (as pangolin said) "less-than-perfect" and "weird" and "stormy" and "sensitive" -- sincerely!! 

I'm sorry you feel like you have to fake that everything's okay when everything's totally not; that isn't right, and I do second pangolin's suggestion of a therapist/something if you can get one. And if not (or even if), feel free to rant here, whenever you need it, and I promise I'll respond with at least a virtual hug (it's been a busy few weeks). And I'm really really sorry it feels like your life's going up in blazes again rn, and wishing you love and luck to get through that <3333

idk if it would help but maybe look up:

-snakes in hats

-spider paws

-blow-dried cows

stuff like that? Watch comfort TV, read favorite, feel-good books, do anything that you think you need?

Also I remember that piece of dialogue!! Love it!!!

ok I really don't think that this was what you were looking for but I'll just post it anyways. Love you so so much (/p) and hope things turn out alright soon!!!!!! If you want anything/was looking for something that wasn't in here, just ask! *gives you a massive Verd the bear hug* 

submitted by Celine@Poinsettia, <333
(May 10, 2024 - 12:21 am)

Guys I've read all your replies and THANK YOUUUUU. I'm just so touched and comforted by what you all said. You're the literal best!!!!! (Of course, I knew that already :) ) It means so much to know that you're here and you care. I love you all so much (/p). Fortunately, everything got a whole lot better, so I'm doing okay now, but I'll always carry your words in my heart and reread them when I feel down <3

@Admins, thank you so much for your message! It was so nice to hear, and it made me feel much better. I know you're probably pretty busy and I truly appreciate it <3 And I'm doing great now, thankfully.

@Blackfooted Bobcat - thank you for the hot chocolate and cookies!! :) I'd rather not go into the whole long story of it right now, but yeah, something did happen and I was basically just really worried, which is something I've struggled with a lot. Fortunately it turned out that what I was worried about wasn't going to happen, so that's good. Idk, over the last few years I've just been frequently lonely and stressed (and also sick, due to Covid). I thought there was going to be a recurrence of that, but thankfully there wasn't!

@Scuttles, that's so nice of you - thank you :)

@Moon Wolf, yes, things did get better and thank you :) *hugs you back*

@pangolin, your message meant so much, especially because I know you're really busy right now. Getting someone irl to help out is a good idea, and yes, I have friends and family members whom I can confide in (nothing in my rant applied to them, btw, they're wonderful <3)  Therapy could def also work, idk if that's a possibility right now but we'll see. And you're right that it's like it's taboo to express how you're feeling and ask for help, especially if you're dealing with certain issues like cultural differences, or trying to protect your family from Covid, or whatever. And the rest of your post was really, really helpful and completely dispelled the lingering self-doubt and stuff that I had about how others see me. I really appreciate you too, as a friend and as a person, and I'm so glad I've gotten to know you (and this applies to basically everyone on the CB btw <3)

@Lyric, your message was so sweet! I almost started tearing up (in a good way) just from reading it. Your offer to pray for me is super touching and um I hope this doesn't come out sounding all egotistical and self-centered but yes, I genuinely would be really happy if you did. I can pray for you too if you ever need it or want me to, just let me know <3

@Celine, oh my gosh, what you wrote was very much what I needed and so comforting and helpful. I might have mentioned this before but I just want to say I really love your enthusiasm and energy and the way you care about others, and I love you too!! (/p) Yes, in general I am myself here, and I don't feel like I'm putting on a ~happy facade~ because I genuinely am a happy, positive person. I just have this very stormy side that doesn't get expressed as much, I guess. What you suggested about taking time to appreciate and care about stuff is a great idea and I'll try it (you're right that I kind of do it sometimes already, but I think I could do it more). And I looked up blow-dried cows and snakes in hats and they're way cuter than I thought they would be! Like seriously how are blow-dried cows so fluffy?!?!?! Anyway, thank you so much for helping me feel better *gives you a Verd the bear hug too*  Btw, I was wondering if you had any advice for keeping yourself from getting worried and scared about stuff? It's kind of my Achilles' heel and even though it all worked out this time, I think I do need a way to reassure myself when things aren't going well.

Anyway, I feel way better and happier now, and I'm so glad you're here :) If you guys ever need any help or someone who'll just listen to you, I hope you know that I'm here for you too! Thank you all again, so much <33


Poinsettia, we're so pleased to hear that you're doing better!

Wise advice I heard from a friend many years ago: Most of the things we worry about don't happen!


submitted by Poinsettia
(May 11, 2024 - 11:19 am)

YAY so happy that you're feeling better!! <3

I'll be praying (and that is not egotistical or self-centered at all; no worries) :) if there is something specific I can pray for, let me know!

submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(May 11, 2024 - 5:45 pm)

awww, thank you <33

I don't think there's anything specific, just that my family and I can be peaceful and happy. And thank you so, so much. You're a true friend. I'm so glad I know you <3

submitted by Poinsettia
(May 14, 2024 - 9:32 pm)

I'm sorry you were going through a tough time but I'm glad it's gotten better!! we're always here for you <3

as for trying to keep yourself from getting worried/scared about things, there's a few things that ideas. I try to get behind the specific fears—beyond a general feeling of anxiety, what are you most afraid is going to happen? is what you're feeling an inordinate amount of stress for something that doesn't have a drastic consequence? also likelihood of the outcome—if there are really bad possibilities, how likely are they to happen? a lot of the time, people's fear gets blown out of proportion and it's hard to get back from that, but it's also sometimes possible to realize how illogical you might be being.

if it's still a big issue, you could try to remind yourself of things you do have that aren't going to change. I know you especially take a lot of joy from the natural world and similar simple and happy things, so focusing on something with a bright side could help. distraction also works sometimes.

I don't know any specifics of how your brain works or the kinds of things you get stressed about, but these are some small tricks that might help a little. I hope it does help in the future!! 

submitted by Hex
(May 11, 2024 - 9:05 pm)

Yes, that is good advice. I'll try to keep it in mind! I do often squash worries based on the fact that they're ~illogical~, and it works wonders :D

submitted by Poinsettia
(May 14, 2024 - 9:34 pm)