
Chatterbox: Down to Earth



Confess your deepest secrets here, anonymously, if you'd prefer

I won't judge

submitted by Anonymous, age x, x
(October 15, 2020 - 1:43 pm)

Will respond later <3

submitted by CBB, age ItsCeline, posting frenzy
(March 7, 2024 - 10:35 pm)

I'm sorry :((( it's hard to give any advice or help without knowing more. If you think your parents would respond well and could come around, maybe you could try to talk to them about how you feel. You could write a letter to start the conversation so they could make it extra clear. I would suggest explaining what you mean - for instance, maybe you could say that even if she only doesn't want you to do everything over again, it still hurts. hopefully they care enough about you that they'd try to change, and if they don't I'm so sorry. but even if you think that would only make everything worse, i'm sorry and we're all here for you :D also, depending on what your dream job is, it's completely possible it's not as unreachable as it seems; if you can find more information on it maybe they'll respond better?

sorry this isn't very helpful but it's all i can think of at the moment 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(March 11, 2024 - 10:09 am)
submitted by CelineTopping Bright, age :), Tipping my top hat
(March 12, 2024 - 12:26 am)


It's been awhile and we've passed the CB reunion and stuff so I wanted to see if Bunting and dark_side (i think?) are still here 

submitted by iris
(March 13, 2024 - 7:26 am)

They didn't show up in the CB reunion, and I haven't heard of either in my 17 or so months on here :[ 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Golden, Standing next to you
(March 13, 2024 - 2:43 pm)

okay help me omg

so basically guess what just happened. as in like twenty minutes ago.

so i texted the guy i like rn to see if he wanted to hang out (which is a normal thing to do) and the conversation went like this

me: hi u free tmw?

him: yuh

me: u wanna hang out 

THAT WAS SO LONG AGO why is he not responding? he responds to my texts rly fast like the time between my text and his was like 30 seconds. aaaaaa

anyway so the backstory for this is that he and I and another of our friends were hanging out last wednesday and my friend decided to give him a bunch of hints about who i like. (and basically the hints can only describe im totally screwed.) but im lowkey convinced he has figured it

IM DYING PLS also because i literally didnt care abt dating him i just wanted to be friends because hes such a good friend!!! 

waaaa why does this always happen to me.  

Maybe he had to go eat supper. (Can you tell that I'm hungry?)


submitted by anonymous
(March 14, 2024 - 4:02 pm)

Maybe explain the situation and come honest (can you say it that way?) to him? Gl!


Also Ik I still haven't responded to the other one yet... :/

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age FeiyaADIWO, I should go… pi!!!
(March 14, 2024 - 6:09 pm)

lolol it turned out fine im just a stressball :D


submitted by anonymous
(March 15, 2024 - 3:35 pm)

I hate essays SO MUCH. I find them so hard and annoying. Language arts used to be my best subject until I had to start doing them. I love writing stories, because there are hardly any rules besides the main structure of a story (beginning, conflict, conclusion, etc.) but with an essay you have to follow so many rules and it's so hard for me to write about something I'm not interested in. :( Does anyone have any advice on how to make them more fun, or any advice on how to improve on writing them?

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(March 15, 2024 - 12:37 pm)

i also hate essays but love language arts! i'll try to give what advice i can :D

so i'm not sure what grade you're in - i think you're in middle school, but i'm not sure? but um typically when you first start writing essays, there are so many rules. it's generally because they have to teach you the basics of an essay before you can actually start getting creative with them - you have to know the rules before you can break them, and all that. so you end up having these really weird strict structural things you need to stick to which are so annoying but i guess it is pretty important to know the basics. 

the main thing that used to bother me about essays is how boring and repetitive they seemed. with fiction writing, there's no limit to the creative stuff you can do, but it doesn't really seem that way with essays. i think the best way to make essay writing more fun is to find ways to be creative:

-the hook. teachers are always telling you that the first line of an essay should draw the readers in, and if that isn't an opportunity for something creative and original, i don't know what is. i used to hate writing the hook, because i never knew what to write - everything sounded so boring. but then i started to take more risks and be more creative. like, for instance, i had to write an essay contrasting two characters in a book we were reading in English class, and my first line was "Apples and oranges are two classically contrasting items, but although they’re quite different at first glance, when one gets right down to it, they do share many characteristics — both are fruits, of a similar size, grown in orchards, and used in mediocre-at-best metaphors." kind of a weird and unexpected approach, right? i wasn't sure about it but my teacher actually really liked how it was interesting and showed i was taking risks in my writing. i think the hook is a great opportunity to show off your creative writing abilities and make your essay stand out :D

-quotes. once you start integrating quotes in your essay, it opens up a lot of opportunities for styling. it's really easy to just slap a chunk of text in your essay and call it a day, but that's not the best nor most interesting way to go about it. there's different ways to integrate quotes, and once you really master that, then you can use them in more creative, original ways. teachers like to tell you to structure your body paragraphs like topic sentence → transition sentence → quote → explanation → transition sentence → quote → explanation → conclusion, and not only is that SO BORING to write, but it also, more often than not, ends up sounding so monotone and formulaic. your teachers might like you to use this format just to show you understand how to use it, but if they aren't grading you on the actual structure, then i suggest trying a different format! use short quotes mid-sentence to illustrate your point, etc. also, when people explain their quotes, they often start with "this quote shows" which is really boring and kind of redundant. honestly, i just skip that and jump straight to the explanation. it cuts down on unnecessary words and allows your actual writing to shine through :]

-the word choice. up until like eighth grade, my essays were SO repetitive. i used the same phrase a dozen times throughout the piece, and it was boring to read and to write. just vary your word choice to make it more interesting. use anecdotes, figurative language, imagery, whatever. it adds so much to your writing, and allows you to apply your creative writing skills to your academic writing :D 

-make it interesting. i know it's so hard to write an essay about something so boring that you don't care about, but the more you pretend it's the most interesting thing you've ever learned, the more interesting your actual essay will be. i guarantee that your teachers want to read all those essays even less than you want to write yours - if you write an interesting, original, and creative essay, it'll stand out from all the other boring, formulaic ones, so not only will it be more fun for you to write, but it'll also probably get you an excellent grade :D 

hope this helped at least a little lol. if you need any more specific advice, lmk :D 

submitted by pangolin@WildWolf, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(March 15, 2024 - 2:11 pm)

I feel you, I used to dislike essays too. There are a lot of rules, especially very particular MLA formatting and Works Cited, and using very formal language. There are more rules, sort of, in stories...ones that aren't required, but do help to enhance the story quality. 

One way I like to think about essays or non-fiction is a way to share your perspective on an issue (at least, in argumentative or persuasive essays; not so much with explanatory/informational essays). Even if the prompt is something sort of complicated like "To what extent did the first Islamic states both diffuse cultural ideas and adopt practices from established cultures" (a prompt from history class today), you can think about essays as a way to share your opinion and your interpretation of what you learned from research/analyzation/experience. That way, it feels less like an assignment, and more like a way of expressing yourself. 

As for informational essays...those can be an opportunity to research interesting facts you never knew before. 

Also. Did you ever hear the term "fake it till you make it"? I've done that...a lot of times, and it helps. Sometimes I can trick myself into liking an essay/paragraph I have to write, and have a good attitude about it...even though I don't. That makes it a little more bearable.

Best of luck with future essays! (Did the advice help? I can add more depending on what would be helpful) I'm sure that they'll get easier to write over time, with practice :) 

submitted by Lyric, age :D, jellyfish
(March 15, 2024 - 9:41 pm)

Thanks you guys, these tips were really helpful! I finished the first draft of my essay :)

submitted by WildWolf, age Wolf years, The deep dark woods
(March 17, 2024 - 2:25 pm)
submitted by Top
(March 21, 2024 - 7:37 pm)
submitted by Topoisomerase, Deoxyribonucleic acid
(March 23, 2024 - 1:04 pm)
submitted by Top
(March 24, 2024 - 5:53 pm)