Fairytale RP!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Fairytale RP!

Fairytale RP!

So Tovah had once made something like this, and I miss it, so I'm going to recreate it. I was thinking that you could either do a twist on a classic fairytale hero or heroine, or make your own. They go to a private high school to learn to fight aliens. 

I'm going to go with the same character I had before.

Name: Gretel Rose

Appearence; Chin-length golden hair that curves in on one side and
curves out on the other. Dark, sapphire-blue eyes, slightly pink cheeks,
pale, small, at 5 ft. Commonly wears long sleeve camo shirt with denim
capris and lace up hunting boots. Or jeans, black t-shirt with Slay Your Own Dragons and a sword
on fire, black hunting boots. Oftenwears a cap. Whether navy blue or

Personality; Strong, quiet, observant, hard core, ready to fight. Loyal, open, and cheerful around her friends. 

Story; So, this is a Hansel and Gretel in the modern world. Southern
girl! Her parents ditched her in the backwoods of Tennessee, in the
Great Smokey Mountains. A hunter thought she and her brother game and
accidentally shot him. (Explains what happens to Hansel.)

Power; She has a strong sense of direction, can see in the dark. Also can channel people's feelings well. Knows what they're feeling.

Weapon: Anything she can throw or shoot, except long spears. She can
throw knives, shoot a gun or bow. Whatever she can get her hands on.

So what do ya'll think? Good or bad idea?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age classified, Knight's Training
(November 11, 2013 - 4:07 pm)
submitted by Toooooooop
(March 9, 2014 - 8:36 pm)

I shall top this excellent RP!!

submitted by The Topper of Joy
(March 9, 2014 - 8:39 pm)
submitted by Harriet, perhaps
(March 9, 2014 - 8:39 pm)

How about like people who look just like people, but inside, like in their brain, they are aliens? Or, since The Chocabookaholic got me hooked on the idea of evil parents, the parents are leading them?? I get the feeling I am going crazy with these ideas. 

submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea, MI
(March 12, 2014 - 7:20 pm)

Ash's Dad noooooooooooooooo!

(Sorry, he was in the Master Cat and he was amazing. But I don't even think he's alive anymore. Uh, yeah, this is getting off subject.....)

Aliens=Good. Anything is awesome--but aliens are good.

That's all I have to say--I think any idea would be good.  

submitted by Theo W.
(March 14, 2014 - 5:24 pm)

Okay so, I think we've all agreed on our parents leading aliens? How about the wars are waged on earth, but we can also do air-sky invasions, so we could pilot planes and all? We can also combine the weapons we prefer, and maybe get more techy weapons, or even upgrade out weapons (sonic bows and such). I dunno. An array of weapons might be fun to have access to. And cars? Maybe we could get tricked out cars?! (Yes, yes, I've said it before, but I am a car and weapon fanatic.) I dunno, I dunno, I dunno. Maybe at least having access to this stuff would be fun!

So, I've noticed too much planning can cause an RP to die, so with the general idea in mind, how about we start writing again, and just wing it and let everyone's fancies take over? Who wants to write next?!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Fairytale High
(March 15, 2014 - 8:05 pm)

I love the idea!

I'm writing next!


Alex looked at us with a long, caluculating stare. "Perfect" she said, turned away, and left the room. I stared after her, and then smiled. "We did it!" I yelled to nobody in particular.  The adrenaline was still rushing through me from fighting Alex. It was like nothing I had ever done before, not even like when I hit Drizella....

The memory came rushing back to me in a flash. Drizella  had taunted me about my father, saying that he died a sad and poor man, because he had no sons, just me. I tried to control my anger, but it burst out of me like a firecracker. I punched her in the eye and she ran to her mother, squealing and screaming all the way. I wondered where she was now. 

I started to leave for my dorm, but then stopped. " Does anyone know when we are going to actually fight these strange creatures? What if it's all a joke?" I hated to put doubt in everyone, but it was true. 

Everybody looked worried. "Well" Gretel said. "Principal Edith was quite serious about us having training" 

"Yes, but does anyone know that these people are trustworthy?" I asked "I mean, personally,I have no trust at all. I was sent away by an evil stepmother. Her and her daughters would love to see me working hard for something completely fake"

I bit my lip "I would love to think this is true, but I really don't know" 

submitted by Katie M, age 11, Chelsea, MI
(March 16, 2014 - 3:33 pm)

I adore this thread! Keep it up!

submitted by Miss Toppington
(March 20, 2014 - 10:59 am)

Gretel ~

I glanced around at the others uneasily. This had evidently been plaguing everyone in the back of their minds, but now that it was brought out in the open, their doubt was showing plainly.

"I guess none of us know," I said quietly, shifting from foot to foot. "I can't see any reason that they would lie to us, but..."

Several more seconds past. I stood staring at the floor, and idea forming in my head.

"I think I know how to find out. Meet me in my dorm in one hour."


"You want us to do what?!" Meg cried, straightening from where she sat on the floor in my dorm room. We'd shoved the coffee table to the side. In its place we all sat in a circle on the floor as I presented my idea.

"You heard me," I said shrugging, looking down. It'd sounded all right in my head, but now that I had said it aloud, and saw their incredulous faces, I was starting to doubt myself. 

"Wait wait wait," Ash said, shaking his head. "You're telling me you want us to break into Principal Edith's office?"

"Well, do you want to know if she's making this up or not? And if so, why us?" I demanded, hands on hips, which probably made me look quite comical since I was sitting down.

I sighed. "Look, I'm going, cause I need to know. I've been here for too long, with no real purpose. If I can't trust these people, I wanna know. So I'm going. Tonight. Who's with me?"

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Fairytale High
(March 21, 2014 - 5:40 pm)

~ Meg and the Mice~

"I will," said I in the craziest moment of my life.

"Awesome!" Gretel thrust up her hand for a high five, which I, naturally, accepted.

Alice had been sitting quietly all this time, but she now spoke up. "I will, too."


"Me too!" Cindy exclaimed eagerly. Fairly soon the entire room had said that they, also, wanted to know the truth. 

"All right," said Gretel, "let's formulate a plan." 

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 11, Fairytale High
(March 22, 2014 - 7:46 am)

Gretel ~

I was quite pleased that everyone agreed with the idea. Nw the tricky part was actually coming up with a plan.

"Well it's not like we can just sneak into her office in the middle of the night," Jasmine said. 

"Why not?" Ash said, suddenly looking up. "What better plan do we have?"

"Because," Snow cut in, looking around the group. "This isn't your typical boarding school. She's probably got security measures up, like cameras, sensors, and other things."

I waved my hand. "Minor inconviences."

"You're both right," Rose said, leaning back. "We really don't have a better plan, but we can't just stroll right in either. It's got to be a thought out operation, but not over complicated. How about Ash, Alice, and Cindy be scouts for the halls around Principal Edith's office. Rose, Elle, and I can check any nearby offices or classrooms, then stand guard outside the Principal Edith's office."

"I can disable any security measures!" I chimed in, grinning. "I've had experience in that area, plus I can see pretty well in the dark."

"Great. You, Meg, and Jasmine slip into the office, and gather whatever information you can. Is everyone in?" Rose asked, placing her hand in the middle of the group.

I snorted. "You know I am."

"Me too," Cindy and Alice said in unison, laying their hands down. Ash grinned, also placing in his hand. Jasmine, Elle, and Meg, grinning madly, lay their hands in as well.

I think I was having a bad influence on these guys!

The mice scrambled out of Meg's bag, and clambered onto our hands.

"We are united," Rose said, smiling, "and we are going to figure this out."


So it's known, I wasn't trying to give anyone any particular role. Ya'll can change it however you want!

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Fairytale High
(March 24, 2014 - 7:47 pm)

Top! Top top top top top top top toppity top top!

submitted by Top
(March 30, 2014 - 7:17 pm)

Top! Toppity top top! TOP TOP TOP!

submitted by Top
(April 4, 2014 - 5:12 pm)

Ahhhhh I haven't posted on any RP in awhile.... I can't remember what time of day it is, so can we just say the last post happened mid-afternoon?



We decided we would wait until two hours after everyone was suppose to be asleep to sneak into the prinicpal's office. Lying on my bed, waiting until the time would come, this all seemed like a very bad idea. But I'd agreed to it. Everyone had agreed to it. It's what we were going to do.


"Ah!" I sat up in bed quickly. "How did you get in here?!" I whispered furiously.

"It wasn't that hard," Aladin replied, sitting in the chair by my desk. "The doors are all unlocked."

"What do you want?"

"I want you all to take precaution. You're all going to fail miserably tonight, you know."

"Well thanks for the encouragement," I said dryly. "Wait... how did you know about that?!"

"I was there, remember? I just sat in the back of the room and no one noticed or bothered me."

"Oh. Sorry..."

"No, I like it better that way."

"But you're not going to help us?"

"Well not me personally." A little monkey peeked over Aladin's shoulder. "I thought it was a horrible idea, but Jerusalem really wanted to help." Aladin looked at the monkey fondly. "So he's coming with us."

"Okay," I yawned. "So why didn't you tell us before?"

"He was still making up his mind. He knows he wants to come now, and he wants you to take him on the mission."

"Why didn't you ask Meg or someone with experience handling monkeys?"

Aladin looked at me flatly. "Oh, like you have no experience with animals. And I can't sneak into the girls' dorms. I didn't want to sneak into any dorms in the first place. But Jerusalem insisted..."

"Okay, fine," I said. "I'll take your monkey on the mission."

"Thanks!" said Aladin, and Jerusalem chittered excitedly. "He says thank you. Please try to make sure he doesn't get hurt!"

"I'll try," I said, and watched Aladin slip out of my door and into the dark.

Thirty more minutes, I thought. Thirty more minutes and it'll be time to go.

The monkey and I waiting, the only noise being an excited exclamantion for Jerusalem when he figured out how to make my chair spin in circles. 



I don't know if that really made any sense... 

submitted by Theo W.
(April 8, 2014 - 8:20 pm)

Meg and the mice~

"So, boys, what do you think of the plan," I asked Steve and Charlie, who were assembled on my bed. Though they had asked to have dorms of their own, the principals deemed them pets, and so denied.

"I can't say, Meg. I mean, I understand that you want to stay because you have friends here, and, well, Charlie wants to stay because of Gretel, but there's no reason for me to stay. Unless you want me to make friends with some weirdo shape-shifting cat-boy," shuddered Steve.

"I love Gretel," began Charlie, "Her plan. I love her plan, I mean," said Charlie, obviously in a lovesick daze. I didn't pay him much attention, however, because I was too infuriated at Steve.

"Well, Steve, I'm just going to bring the 'weirdo shape-shifting cat-boy' to our dorm."


I walked toward Ash's room with quick, determined steps. I had heard from Gretel that: "...he mostly just stays in room 233 by himself." When I found room 233, I was about to knock on the door, when I heard a male voice.

I couldn't resist eavesdropping.  

"Thanks. He says thank you. Please make sure he doesn't get hurt!", I heard. 'He', I assumed, was the monkey I'd heard. And then I was smashed against the wall by the door. 

Luckily the boy didn't see me. So I went into Ash's dorm.

"What're you doing here?", Ash shot at me as soon as I came in. "These are the boy's dorms."

"Oh. Yeah," I said, blushing, "well, I need you to prove you aren't, well, weird. No insult intended."


Tell me if you don't like it. 



submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 11, Fairytale
(April 10, 2014 - 11:32 am)